
出版時間:1992-6  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:胡文仲  頁數(shù):342  


  What About Womens Liberation?  Today,in the United States,the idea of growing up and get-ting married to “Mr Right”is an old-fashioned dream,Its a niceidea,but it isnt enough.A woman is mow expected to have some kind of career which will continue to occupy and interest her throughout her life.Thus woman now see their lives as being more lide the lives of men than ever before.


Lesson one   Patterns:What,s this? It’s a What are these? They,re Dialogues:Meeting on the Campus In Front of the Classroom Building Phonetics:The Consonants of EnglishLesson Two  Patterns:Is this a? Is it a big one or a small one? Are these? Dialogues:In the Dormitory  At the Teaeher's Phonetics:The Vowels of EnglishLesson Three   Patterns:This is your pen,isn’t it? Whose pen is it? Dialogues:In the Classroom In the Dining—haIl  Phonetics:The Consonants of English(cont'd) Stress and RhythmLesson Four Patterns:Are you a teacher? I,m a student. Do vou have a thermos? Dialogues:Going to the H。spital Helping Each 0ther Phonetics:The Vowels of English(cont,d) Intonation Test Paper NO.1Lesson Five Patterns:Is there any tea in the tin? Are there any stamps in the drawer? There,s a meeting this afternoon. There are some envelopes on the desk. Text A:Our College:A ConVersation Text B:Public Libraries in the u.s.Lesson Six   Patterns:What,s Comrade Li doing? She,s writing an article. The  teachers  are  having  a  discussion ……Lesson SevenLesson EightLesson NineLesson TenLesson ElevenLesson TwelveLesson ThirteenLesson FourteenLesson FifteenLesson Sixteen




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用戶評論 (總計7條)


  •   書本內(nèi)容有些不太符合如今的社會狀況,畢竟是比較久的教材了。
  •   經(jīng)典回顧
  •   這書沒教師用書的么?
  •   合起來買就是實惠
  •   這款書我買來插本用的,買的時候一些商家說已經(jīng)停產(chǎn),剩下的是庫存,版式很舊,里面是全英文的,字體有點小
  •   教科書而已,還不錯
  •   書的內(nèi)容是不可置疑的.但感覺是翻版書.非常殘舊

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
