
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:張瑋 西南財經(jīng)大學出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:張瑋  頁數(shù):314  






Chapter 1  Introduction/11.1  A Discoursal Turn of Metaphor Research/11.2  Metaphor and Discourse Coherence/61.3  Aims of the Present Study/111.4  An Overview of the Book/14Chapter 2  Metaphor in Discourse Analysis/162.1  Introduction/162.2  Aspects of Discourse Functions of Metaphor/192.3  Metaphor in Discourse Comprehension/262.3.1  Metaphor in Comprehending Literary Discourse/262.3.2  Metaphor in Comprehending Educational Discourse/292.3.3  Metaphor in Comprehending Scientific Discourse/312.3.4  Metaphor in Critical Discourse Analysis/342.4  Metaphor in Discourse Construction/392.4.1  Metaphor and Global Construction of Discourse/392.4.2  Metaphor and Local Construction of Discourse/462.5  Summary/54Chapter 3  Towards A Metaphor Theoretical Approach to the Study of Discourse Coherence/573.1  Introduction/573.2  Three Approaches to Coherence Research: An Overview/583.2.1  Semantic Approach to Discourse Coherence/593.2.2  Pragmatic Approach to Discourse Coherence/603.2.3  Cognitive Approach to Discourse Coherence/623.3  An Integrative Study of Discourse Coherence/643.4  Exploring Levels of Metaphors in Discourse/733.4.1  Cameron's Applied Linguistic Approach/733.4.2  Steen's Metaphor Checklist/763.4.3  Charteris  Black's Discourse Model of Metaphor/783.4.4  A Proposed Model on Levels of Metaphors in Discourse/803.5  Towards a Metaphor Theoretical Framework for Discourse  Coherence Research/833.5.1  Cognitive  level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/843.5.2  Pragmatic  level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/853.5.3  Semantic  level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/873.6  Summary/88Chapter 4  Semantic level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/914.1  Introduction/914.2  Metaphor Configuration in Discourse/934.2.1  Metaphor Sequencing/944.2.2  Metaphor Merging/1044.3  Metaphor Connection in Discourse/1144.3.1  Metaphoric Reference/1144.3.2  Metaphoric Conjunction/1214.3.3  Metaphoric Lexical Cohesion/1264.4  Discourse Context and the Interpretation of SM in Discourse/1334.4.1  Pre  text/1344.4.2  Posttext/1364.4.3  Discourse Context and Metaphoric Chunk/1384.4.4  Other Effects of Discourse Context/1394.5  Summary/141Chapter 5  Pragmatic level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/1455.1  Introduction/1455.2  Metaphor Recognition in Discourse: A Speech Act Approach/1505.1  A Metaphoric Speech Act Model for Discourse Coherence/1515.2.2  Metaphor Awareness/1585.2.3  Metaphor Inference/1695.3  Metaphor Negotiation in Discourse: A Conversational Analysis/1845.3.1  Local Structure of Metaphoric Conversation/1855.3.2  Global Structure of Metaphoric Conversation/1955.4  Situational Context and the Interpretation of PM in Discourse/2025.4.1  Field/2035.4.2  Tenor/2055.4.3  Mode/2085.5  Summary/211Chapter 6  Cognitive level Metaphor in Discourse Coherence/2146.1  Introduction,/2146.2  Metaphoric Mapping in Discourse/2176.2.1  Types of Mapping and Their Realization in Discourse/2176.2.2  Manners of Mapping and Their Realization in Discourse/2356.3  Metaphoric Blending in Discourse/2476.3.1  Composition/2496.3.2  Completion/2566.3.3  Elaboration/2596.4  Cognitive Context and the Interpretation of CM in Discourse/2636.4.1  Encyclopedic Knowledge/2636.4.2  Socio cultural Pattern/2686.5  Summary/273Chapter 7  Conclusion/2767.1  Major Findings of the Present Research/2767.2  Major Implications/2817.2.1  Theoretical Implications/2817.2.2  Pedagogical Implications/2837.3  Limitations and Directions for Future Studies/287References/290





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