
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:中南大學(xué)  作者:謝佑卿  頁(yè)數(shù):620  


  Taking Fe, Co, Ni pure metals and Ag - Cu,Ti - Al, Au - Cu systems as examples, the systematic science ofalloys has been presented in the monograph , which includes sixlevels: separated theory of potential energies and volumes forcharacteristic atoms, valence bond theory of characteristiccrystals, separated theory of thermodynamic properties forcharacteristic crystals, characteristic atom arrangementcrystallography of alloy phases, thermodynamics of mixedcharacteristic crystals for alloy phases and comprehensive theoryof mixed characteristic crystals for phase transformation, phaseequilibrium and phase diagrams. It may be available for referenceto graduates, teachers and researchers.




ForewordSystematic Science of Alloys and Its InnovationChapter Ⅰ Ideology and Methodology of Systematic Science ofAlloysTheoretical Framework of Systematic Science of AlloysDevelopment Course of Metallic Materials Science and EvolutionofHuman Thinking ModeChapter Ⅱ Systematic Science of Pure Metals--Valence BondTheory of Characteristic CrystalsBackground and Outline of One-atom Valence Bond Theory ofPureMetalsA New Potential Function with Many-atom Interactions in SolidElectronic Structure and Properties of Pure IronElectronic Structure and Properties of Pure CobaltElectronic Structure and Properties Ni MetalChapter Ⅲ Systematic Science of Ag - Cu SystemAtomic Energies and Gibbs Energy Functions of Ag- Cu AlloysAtomic Volumes and Volume Functions for Ag -Cu AlloysElectronic Structure of Ag- Cu AlloysPhase Diagram and Thermodynamic Properties of Ag -Cu AlloysChapter Ⅳ Systematic Science of Ti - AI SystemInfiuencds of XTi/XA on Atomic States, Lattice Constants andPotential-energy Planes of Ordered Fcc TiA1 Type AlloysAtomic States, Potential Energies, Volumes, Stability andBrittleness of Ordered Fcc TiA13 Type AlloysAtomic States, Potential Energies, Volumes, Stability andBrittleness of Ordered Fcc Ti3A1 Type AlloysAtomic States, Potential Energies, Volumes, Stability andBrittleness of Ordered Fcc TiA12 Type AlloysChapter Ⅴ Systematic Science of Cu -Ni and Au -NiSystemsMicrostructure and Properties of Cu- Ni AlloysRelationship Between Partial and Average Atomic Volumes of-Components in Au- Ni AlloysChapter Ⅵ Systematic Science of Au - Cu System Based onExperimental Data of Disordered AlloysPotential Energy Sequences of Characteristic Atoms on BasisofHeats of Formation of Disordered Au(1-x) Cux AlloysVolume Sequences of Characteristic Atoms Separated fromExperimentalVolumes of Disordered Au Cu AlloysChapter Ⅶ Systematic Science of Au - Cu System Based onFirst-principles Electron Theory of AlloysPotential Energies of Characteristic Atoms Separated fromFirst-principlesCalculated Heats of Formation of AuCu and AuCu3 CompoundsVolumes of Characteristic Atoms Separated fromFirst-principlesCalculated Volumes of L10 -AuCu and L12 -AuCu3 CompoundsChapter Ⅷ Systematic Science of Au- Cu System Based onExperimental Data of IntermetallicsPotential Energies of Characteristic Atoms Separated fromExperimentalHeats of Formation of AuCu and AuCu3 CompoundsVolume Sequences of Characteristic Atoms Separated fromExperimentalVolumes of AuCu and AuCu3 CompoundsSystematic Science of Au -Cu System Based on Experimental DataofDisordered Alloys: Characteristic Atom Occupation Patterns ofAu3Cu, AuCu3 , AuCuI and AuCulIEnergetic Properties of Characteristic Crystals SeparatedfromExperimental Heats of Formation of AuCu and AuCu3 CompoundsEnergetic Properties of Disordered Au Cux Alloys Obtained onBasis of Experimental Heats of Formation of AuCu and AuCu3CompoundsVariations in Energetic Properties on Disordering L12 -AuCu3Compound Studied on Basis of Experimental Heats of FormationofAuCu and AuCu3 Compounds Changing with Temperature





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