
出版時間:2012-3  出版社:上海學(xué)林出版社  作者:王碧宏,邱月 主編  頁數(shù):206  




Part One  Introduction to Accounting
Chapter One Welcome to the World of Accounting (會計學(xué)概述)
Goal 1 The Nature of Business, and the Role of Accounting
Goal 2 The Accounting Profession and Caree
Goal 3 The Accounting Equation
Goal 4 The Five Accounting Concepts
Goal 5 How Traactio Impact the Accounting Equation
Goal 5 The Four Financial Statements
Part Two The Accounting Cycle
Chapter Two Analysis of Traactio (經(jīng)濟業(yè)務(wù)分析)
Goal 1 T-Accounts
Goal 2 Accounts, Debits and Credits
Goal 3 The Journal
Goal 4 The General Ledger
Goal 5 The Trial Balance
Chapter Three Adjusting Process (調(diào)整過程)
Goal 1 The Periodicity Concept
Goal 2 The Matching Principle, Revenue/Expee Recognition,
Cash/Accrual Basis of Accounting
Goal 3 Nature of Accounts Requiring Adjustment
Goal 4 The Adjusting Process And Related Entries
Chapter Four Completing the Accounting Cycle (完全會計循環(huán))
Goal 1 The Adjusting Process
Goal 2 Preparation of Financial Statements
Goal 3 Worksheet Approach
Goal 4 The Accounting Cycle and Closing Process
Goal 5 Post-closing Trial Balance
Goal 6 Classified Balance Sheets
Part Three The Information of Accounts
Chapter Five Cash (現(xiàn)金)
Goal I Cash Composition
Goal 2 Cash Controls for Receipts and Payments
Goal 3 Reconciliation of Bank Accounts
Goal 4 The Petty Cash System
Chapter Six Inventory (存貨)
Goal 1 Inventory Costing Methods
Goal 2 The Periodic System for Valuing Inventory
Goal 3 The Perpetual System for Valuing Inventory
Goal 4 Lower of Cost or Market Method
Goal 5 Inventory Estimation Techniques
Chapter Seven Accounts Receivable (應(yīng)收款項)
Goal 1 Classification of Receivables
Goal 2 Uncollectible Receivables
Goal 3 Notes Receivable
Chapter Eight Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets (固定資產(chǎn)和無形資產(chǎn))
Goal 1 Nature of Fixed Assets
Goal 2 Three Depreciation Methods
Goal 3 Exchange and Disposal of Fixed Assets
Goal 4 Natural Resources
Goal 5 Intangible Assets
Chapter Nine Current Liabilities & Equity (流動負(fù)債和權(quán)益)
Goal 1 The Nature and Recording of Typical Current
Goal 2 Accounting for Notes Payable
Goal 3 Contingent Liabilities
Goal 4 Stockholde' Equity
Part Four Case: Accounting for Merchandising Business
Chapter Ten Accounting for Merchandising Business (商業(yè)企業(yè)會計)
Goal 1 The Merchandising Operation-Sales
Goal 2 The Merchandising Operation-Purchase
Goal 3 Enhancements of The Income Statement
Goal 4 Sample Chart of Accounts for a Small Company & a
Large Corporation



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