
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:云南大學(xué)出版社  作者:王晉軍 編  頁數(shù):278  




Chapter One Language and Linguistics1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Two Phonetics and Phonology1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Three Morphology and Lexicon1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Four Syntax1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Five Semantics1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Six Pragmatics and Text Analysis1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Seven Language and Social Culture1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Eight Language Acquisition and Thought1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Nine Linguistics and Language Teaching1 Key Points2 Important Terms3 Exercises4 Keys to ExercisesChapter Ten Distinguished Linguists and Main Sch,LinguisticsI Distinguished Linguists2 Main Schools of LinguisticsWebsites on LinguisticsGlossaryReferences



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