
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:上海遠東出版社  作者:陳淵 編  頁數(shù):251  






  陳淵,中國科普作家協(xié)會、上海翻譯家協(xié)會、上海外文學(xué)會、美國奧尼爾學(xué)會會員,上??破兆骷覅f(xié)會譯委副主任。  上海外國語大學(xué)副教授,曾受聘任國家教委優(yōu)秀學(xué)術(shù)專著評審委員會審讀組成員,上海市優(yōu)秀科普作品獎評獎專家委員會委員。因突出貢獻,曾由國家教委、國家新聞出版署,上海市人民政府和上海外國語大學(xué)授予榮譽證書、高等學(xué)校教材編輯特等獎和立大功獎勵證書等。主要著作有:主編上海市緊缺人才培訓(xùn)工程證書教程中的《中級英語教程》和中小學(xué)英語精讀、泛讀和聽力系列教材,以及《新編英語詞匯用法手冊》、《英語造句詞典》、《英語必考詞五用詳解詞典》等.譯述作品有《尤金·奧尼爾傳》、《醫(yī)生之家》、《茫茫黑夜》和世界第一部科幻小說《弗蘭肯斯坦》,以及《世界科幻小說精品叢書(三十卷)》等。


Unit One Food and DrinkPassage 1 British Pub CulturePassage 2 The Story of Ice CreamPassage 3 Lunch in Urban DistrictPassage 4 Fast Food and TV DinnersPassage 5 Healthy EatingExercises for Unit OneUint Two SportsPassage 1 The Essence of SportPassage 2 Racing in the WaterPassage 3 The Sexes in SportPassage 4 A Message of Friendship and PeaceExercises for Unit TwoUnit Three Animals and PlantsPassage 1 The Non-flying BirdsPassage 2 The MosquitoPassage 3 Foxes and FarmersPassage 4 Human Beings Responsibility for EnvironmentPassage 5 Energy Changes Make Things HappenExercises for Unit ThreeUnit Four Buying and SelingPassage 1 SupermarketsPassage 2 The Big Department StorePassage 3 Why Banks Are Useful?Passage 4 The Role of AdvertisingExercises for Unit FourUint Five Libraries and MuseumsPassage 1 About MuseumsPassage 2 Shanghai Science and Techno|ogy MuseumPassage 3 Shanghai LibraryPassage 4 School LibrariesPassage 5 Public Libraries in BritainExercises for Unit FiveUint Six LanguagePassage 1 LanguagesPassage 2 The Language ArtsPassage 3 Are You Afraid of Speaking in Public?Passage 4 Words and Word OriginExercises for Unit SixUint Seven Friend FriendshipPassage 1 On Making FriendsPassage 2 True FriendshipPassage 3 A friend and a TrialPassage 4 PerplexityPassage 5  The Colour of FriendshipExercises for Unit SevenUint Eight Exploring NaturePassage 1 The Discoverer of X-raysPassage 2 Newtons DiscoveryPassage 3 Cosmic RadiationPassage 4 An Efficient MethodExercises for Unit EightUnit Nine LiteraturePassage 1 A Lonely MotherPassage 2 Not Poor, Just BrokePassage 3 Finding a Happy ManPassage 4 William Sydney PorterPassage 5 An American Foremost PlaywrightExercises for Unit NineUnit Ten Adventures and DisastersPassage 1 Some Strange JourneysPassage 2 A Tragic AccidentPassage 3 The EarthquakePassage d The Spirit of AdventureExercises for Unit TenReference Answers


  And the Middle East. Languages such as Arabic, which is spokenthroughout the Middle East and many of the local languages of theSahara Desert region are members of the same family.  Another large family is Bantu. Bantu includes most of thelanguages spoken in central and southern Africa. There are over 250varieties of this family.  In the past few hundred years, Africa has undergone greatchanges, and outside languages, such as French, are now spoken insome areas of central Africa and southern Africa as well.  A fourth large group of languages is the Sino-Tibetan family. TheSino-Tibetan family includes all the dialects of Chinese, which isperhaps the most widely used language in the world. There are nearly1500 million speakers of Chinese dialects. The Sino-Tibetan family alsoincludes the languages of the southeast Asia, languages such asVietnamese and Thai. Of course, not all the languages of east Asiabelong to this family. Some languages such as Japanese seem to becompletely unrelated to the Sino-Tibetan family.  Still another major language family is Polynesian. The Polynesianlanguages are island languages. They are spoken on the islands aroundIndonesia, and on many of the islands eastward all the way to Hawaii,and on the islands westward all the way to Madagascar, off the eastcoast of Africa. Hawaiian and Indonesian are examples of Polynesianlanguages. Apparently, these languages were spread from island toisland by travelers and then each group of islands developed its ownindividual language.  These five language groups, or language families, that we havementioned here are only a few of the major language families around theworld. There are many more. You should also note that each majorlanguage family has several smaller families within it.  There are over 3.000 languages that are used throughout the worldtoday. Almost all of these languages belong to a much smaller number oflanguage families. All of the languages within a language family arerelated and all of them have a similar history. Therefore, the grammar,vocabulary, and sounds of related languages are somewhat similar. Inaddition, the way,of thinking and the style of talking among relatedlanguages are also, to a certain degree, similar.  Even though there are over 3,000 languages that are used today,there are only about 20 or 30 major language families.  Lets take a brief look at some of the largest language familiesincluding many individual languages.  The language that we are using now is English and English is, ofcourse, a member of a large language family. English is a member ofthe Indo-European language family. The Indo-European language familyincludes most of the languages that are spoken throughout Europe,languages such as English, French and Greek. Of course, many Indo-European languages are now spoken in other parts of the world. Forinstance, Spanish, which is an Indo-European language, is spokenthroughout South and Central America, but originally it was spoken onlyin Europe.  Another large language family is the Afro-Asiatic family. The Afro-Asiatic family includes most languages used in the area of North Africa.



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