
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:東方出版中心  作者:上海世博會事務(wù)協(xié)調(diào)局 編  頁數(shù):315  


The World Exposition Shanghai China2010 is yet another mega event hosted byChina following the Beijing Olympics. Itattracts the greatest number of participants inthe history of the World Exposition. By March25, 2010, 242 countries and internationalorganizations have confirmed theirparticipation.The Expo is themed on "Better City, BetterLife", the first time for a World Exposition tofocus on the issue of city. Centering aroundthe theme, participants from all over theworld will stage exhibitions, events andforums to discuss the development ofcities, offer their visions for the future, andpromote understanding, communication andcooperation between nations and betweencultures.Expo 2010 is to be held in a downtownarea between Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridgealong Huangpu River. It has a total areaof 5.28 square kilometers, and tickets arerequired for admission to the enclosed area of3.28 square kilometers. Out of the five zonesin the enclosed area, Zones A, B and C are inPudong, and D and E in Puxi.Exhibitions, events and forums arethree core components of the Expo. Themepavilions, national pavilions, pavilions ofinternational organizations and corporatepavilions are built by the Expo Organizer orparticipants who will stage exhibitions inthese buildings based on their own culturalbackground and exploration of the theme.During the Expo, about 20000performances will be given. These amazingevents, sponsored by the Organizer orparticipants, also provide interestinginterpretations of the theme.Forums, which deal with the Expo thememost directly, are always a central part of Expolegacy and an important platform to look intothe future. A Summit Forum together witha series of theme forums and public forumswere and will be staged before or after theopening ceremony of Expo 2010.Besides these core components, Expo2010 also introduces, for the first time in thehistory of the World Exposition, two greatinnovations, i.e., UBPA and Expo ShanghaiOnline.Expo 2010 is expected to produce apositive effect in the development of theworld's cities and contribute greatly to thesustainable development of human societies.Let's wish Expo 2010 Shanghai China agreat success.


2010年5月1日至10月31日,中國2010年上海世博會將于上海市中心的黃浦江兩岸,南浦大橋和盧浦大橋之間的濱江地區(qū)舉辦。截至2009年9月23日,確認參展的國家和國際組織達242個。    這是第一次在發(fā)展中國家舉辦的世博會。    這還是第一次以“城市”為主題,探討人類城市生活的盛會。    這更是一曲以創(chuàng)新和融合為主旋律的交響樂;將成為人類文明的一次精彩對話。    中國出版集團東方出版中心即將推出的《中國2010年上海世博會》官方圖冊,則是一本“唯一官方授權(quán)出版,全景式、全方位記錄上海世博會,獨家領(lǐng)先呈現(xiàn)千余張展覽館最佳角度、高清晰圖片”的圖文書。該書由上海世博局精心編撰,全面、系統(tǒng)、真實地記錄2010年上海世博會:    圖文并茂,圖書主體“展覽”部分聚焦世博會“城市”主題,旨在完美傳達近200個國家展館和50多個國際組織展館、18個企業(yè)展館對“城市”的各種理解,展示城市發(fā)展的各種可能。書中既有精煉的文字對各參展方的參展主題、展覽內(nèi)容、展覽方式、展覽亮點、展覽活動、展覽創(chuàng)意、文化內(nèi)涵等加以精彩解說,又有相應的設(shè)計圖、效果圖以及實景圖從各方面加以直觀說明;給讀者帶來思想和視覺上的雙重沖擊,拓展人們對于城市的想象空間。    世博概況、活動、論壇以及上海世博會的兩大創(chuàng)新、世博園區(qū)景觀介紹等內(nèi)容,則引領(lǐng)讀者全方位接觸世博會,了解上海世博會的獨特創(chuàng)意,分享“世博嘉年華”的喜悅,領(lǐng)略世博參與者的風采,享受世界多樣化文明的盛宴。    《中國2010年上海世博會官方圖冊》具有權(quán)威性、可讀性、觀賞性、紀念性和收藏性,是饋贈參展、觀展嘉賓的最佳選擇,也是世界各地的讀者了解上海世博會的最佳渠道。


ExhibitionsTheme Pavilions Urbanian Pavilion Pavilion of City Being Pavilion of Urban Planet Pavilion of Footprint Pavilion of FuturePavilions in Zone A China Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion I   Bangladesh Pavilion   Kyrgyzstan Pavilion   Maldives Pavilion   Mongolia Pavilion   Tajikistan Pavilion   Timor-Leste Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion II   Afghanistan Pavilion   Bahrain Pavilion   Jordan Pavilion   Palestine Pavilion   Syria Pavilion   Yemen Pavilion Asia Joint Pavilion III   Laos Pavilion   Myanmar Pavilion Chinese Provinces Joint Pavilion   Beijing Pavilion   Tianjin Pavilion   Hebei Pavilion  Shanxi Pavilion  Inner Mongolia Pavilion  Liaoning Pavilion  Jilin Pavilion  Heilongjiang Pavilion  Jiangsu Pavilion  Zhejiang Pavilion  Anhui Pavilion  Fujian Pavilion  Jiangxi Pavilion  Shandong Pavilion  Henan Pavilion  Hubei Pavilion  Hunan Pavilion  Guangdong Pavilion  Guangxi Pavilion  Hainan Pavilion  Chongqing Pavilion  Sichuan Pavilion  Guizhou Pavilion  Yunnan Pavilion  Tibet Pavilion   Shaanxi Pavilion    Gansu Pavilion  Qinghai Pavilion  Ningxia Pavilion  Xinjiang Pavilion  Shanghai Pavilion Democratic People's  Republic of Korea Pavilion Hong Kong Pavilion India Pavilion Iran Pavilion Israel Pavilion Japan Pavilion Kazakhstan Pavilion Lebanon Pavilion Macao Pavilion Morocco Pavilion Nepal Pavilion Oman Pavilion Pakistan Pavilion Qatar Pavilion Republic of Korea Pavilion Saudi Arabia Pavilion Sri Lanka Pavilion Taiwan Pavilion Turkmenistan Pavilion UAE Pavilion Uzbekistan Pavilion Vietnam PavilionPavilions in Zone BPavilions in Zone CPavilions in Zone DPavilions in Zone EEventsForumsLandmarksServicesExpo SHanghai OnlinePublisher's Notes


插圖:Expo 2010 has five theme pavilions, namely,Urbanian, City Being, Urban Planet, Footprint andFuture.They are the core pavilions in developing thetheme "Better City, Better Life". By employing state-of-the-art exhibition technologies and in a visuallycompelling way, exhibitions in these pavilions showhumanity, the city and the earth as an organic whole,and reveal the keys in bringing a better city andbetter life.Urbanian Pavilion, Pavilion of City Being andPavilion of Urban Planet are housed in the ThemePavilion building in Zone B. Designers of the building,one of the Expo landmarks, have found inspirationin paper folding. As an attractive design feature, theroof imitates the dormer window that is often seenin Shikumen houses (an authentically Shanghaiarchitectural style). The western exhibition hall,spanning 180 meters north-south and 126 meterseast-west, does not use a single column. During theExpo, a wide range of events and ceremonies areheld in the building's three squares.The other two pavilions, Footprint and Future,are located in two modified industrial buildings inZone D and Zone E respectively; they represent acareful consideration of environment protection anda fascinating mix of tradition and modernity.





    中國2010年上海世博會官方圖冊 PDF格式下載

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  •   期望的是能有點實景的照片,以紀念排6個小時隊看沙特館的世博之旅。但整本圖冊全是外觀設(shè)計效果圖,很失望。

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