
出版時間:2013-1  出版社:摩根、摩根 (Francis Morgan)、李延霞、 齊航 吉林出版集團有限責任公司 (2013-01出版)  作者:吳鵬 譯 (美)摩根(Francis Mo  頁數(shù):150  譯者:吳鵬  




作者:(美國)摩根(Francis Morgan) 譯者:吳鵬 插圖者:李延霞 齊航 郝嚴 郝威


里奧去大海 里奧去舊貨出售市場 里奧去加勒比海 里奧和海盜 里奧去西班牙 里奧斗牛士 里奧去愛爾蘭


版權頁:   插圖:      "Now all we have to do is get RK-5 totake us to this island. We can then findthe treasure," said Leo. "Oh no," said Kim. "That would bemuch too dangerous." "Don't worry," said Sam. "We must findthat treasure. Can you take us there, RK-5?" RK-5 looked at the map again andsaid, "The island is called Mumbles. Yes,I can take you there." RK-5 told Leo which buttons to presson his number pad. Leo quickly pressedthe numbers. There was a flash of lightand a cloud of blue smoke. When the smoke cleared, the park wasempty Everyone had been transportedto the Caribbean island of Mumbles. The children found themselves "undera palm tree, sitting on soft whiteThey were on a beautiful beach. Theycould see the crystal clear water of theCaribbean Sea in front of them. Thewaves were gently breaking on the shore. "Let's look at the map and see ifwe can discover where we are on thisisland," said Leo.





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