出版時間:2011-7 出版社:吉林出版集團有限責任公司 作者:郝威 編 頁數(shù):194
英語高分訓練程序:詞匯—一讀一寫。這套程序是語言學和認知學研究的成果,次序科學合理。詞匯是基礎,是素材,是細胞,不要指望詞匯基本功不扎實的人能夠考出高分:閱讀是中國人學習外語的最佳途徑,也是目前高考的最主要題型之一:寫作是語言能力.綜合檢測的最主要方式?! ”咎讏D書共有兩冊,從詞匯學習開始,后面緊接著閱讀練習.結構安排科學合理;所選單詞涵蓋了高中閱讀理解核心詞匯,所選的閱讀文章語言地道純正,讓你全面快速提高英語成績!
Unit 10: CommunicationChapter 37 Who Does It Better?Chapter 38 When and Why We LaughChapter 39 The Inventor of the TelephoneChapter 40 Going OnlineUnit 11: Into the World of BusinessChapter 41 A Family BusinessChapter 42 When the Employees Own the CompanyChapter 43 She Finally Did itChapter 44 A Language on the MoveUnit 12: Health MattersChapter 45 Living to 100 and BeyondChapter 46 The Placebo EffectChapter 47 TearsChapter 48 Bionic Men and WomenUnit 13: Exploring TechnologyChapter 49 A History of Telling TimeChapter 50 Out with the Old, In with the New?Chapter 51 Appropriate TechnologiesChapter 52 Technology in Science Fiction Unit 14: Artistic InnovationsChapter 53 What Is Anime?Chapter 54 The Scientist and the StradivariusChapter 55 The History of RapUnit 15: The Challenges of YouthChapter 56 Sleepy TeensChapter 57 Growing Up GiftedChapter 58 School BulliesUnit 16: Genetic: The Science of Who We AreChapter 59 The Science of GeneticsChapter 60 Designing the FutureChapter 61 A Drug to Match Your GenesUnit 17: Getting EmotionalChapter 62 Can You Translate an Emotion?Chapter 63 Japanese Trying Service with a SmileChapter 64 Road RageUnit 18: Man and BeastChapter 65 Is Music Universal?Chapter 66 Our Dogs Are Watching UsChapter 67 The Mind of the ChimpanzeeUnit 19: The People Behind the ScienceChapter 68 A Woman's FateChapter 69 The Father of VaccinationChapter 70 A Nose for ScienceAnswer Key
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