出版時間:2009-6 出版社:吉林出版集團 作者:盧小軍|主編:馬德高 頁數(shù):304 字數(shù):50000
CET-4:聽力短對話第16題,聽力長對話Conversation One,仔細閱讀Passage Tw0,翻譯第89題 CET-6:寫作,聽力短對話第13題,聽力長對話Conversation One.聽力短文Passage Two,仔細閱讀Passage One
盧小軍 上海交通大學外國語學院優(yōu)秀教師,上海外國語大學英語語言文學專業(yè)碩士。曾在多所著名培訓機構和學校任教,主講大學英語四、六級,考研英語,雅思等課程。主編《(全新版)大學英語綜合教程全程導讀》(1-4冊)和《15天征服英語六級一閱讀》、《15天征服英語六級一詞
大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test One大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Two大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Three大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Four大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Five大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Six大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Seven大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Eight大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Nine大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷 Model Test Ten大學英語六級考試命題改革與預測試卷答案詳解大學英語六級考試高頻詞匯大學英語六級考試臨考點津大學英語六級考試熱點預測作文大學英語六級考試聽力特訓
Biotechnologists have developed genetically modified rice that is fortified with beta-carotene(β-胡蘿卜素)——which the body converts into vitamin A —— and additional iron,and they are working on other kinds ofnutritionally improved crops. Biotech can also improve farming productivity in places where food shortages arecaused by crop damage attribution to pests, drought, poor soil and crop viruses, bacteria or fungi(真菌). Damage caused by pests is incredible. The European corn borer, for example, destroys 40 million tons ofthe worlds corn crops annually,about 7% of the total. Incorporating pest-resistant genes into seeds can helprestore the balance.In trials of pest-resistant cotton in Africa, yields have increased significantly. So far, fearsthat genetically modified, pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded. Viruses often cause massive failure in staple crops in developing countries. Two years ago, Africa lostmore than half its cassava(樹薯)crop——a key source of calories —— to the mosaic virus. Genetically modified,virus-resistant crops can reduce that damage,as can drought-tolerant seeds in regions where water shortageslimit the amount of land under cultivation. Biotech can also help solve the problem of soil that contains excessaluminum,which can damage roots and cause many staple-crop failures. A gene that helps neutralize aluminumtoxicity(毒性) in rice has been identified. Many scientists believe biotech could raise overall crop productivity in developing countries as much as25 % and help prevent the loss of those crops after they are harvested. Yet for all that promise, biotech is far from being the whole answer. In developing countries, lost crops are onlyone cause of hunger. Poverty plays the largest role. Today more than 1 billion people around the globe live on lessthan 1 dollar a day. Making genetically modified crops available will not reduce hunger if farmers cannot afford togrow them or if the local population cannot afford to buy the food those farmers produce. Biotech has its own"distributionproblems. Private-sector biotech companies in the rich countries carryout much of the leading-edge research on genetically modified crops. Their products are often too costly forpoor farmers in the developing world ,and many of those products wont even reach the regions where they aremost needed. Biotech firms have a strong financial incentive to target rich markets first in order to help themrapidly recoup the high costs of product development. But some of these companies are responding to needs ofpoor countries. More and more biotech research is being carried out in developing countries. But to increase the impact ofgenetic research on the food production of those countries, there is a need for better collaboration between government agencies——both local and in developed countries——and private biotech firms.The ISAAA, for ex-ample, is successfully partnering with the US Agency for International Development,local researches and pri-vate biotech companies to find and deliver biotech solutions for farmers in developing countries. Will"Franken-foods"feed the world? Biotech is not a panacea (治百病的), but it does promise to transform agriculture in many developing countries. If that promise is not fulfilled, the real losers will be their people, who could suffer for years to come.
風靡全國,暢銷十年,8000萬讀者的選擇?! ?009年12月命中9道真題375分?! ET-4:聽力短對話第16題,聽力長對話Conversation One,仔細閱讀Passage Tw0,翻譯第89題 CET-6:寫作,聽力短對話第13題,聽力長對話Conversation One.聽力短文Passage Two,仔細閱讀Passage One 聯(lián)手名師 權威研究 經(jīng)典預測 頻傳命中喜報 全國首創(chuàng)S-18高仿真真命題系統(tǒng) 建立模型 時文收集 機器處理 人工校檢 命題選材 計算機輔助命題 難度控制 樣本測試 結果分析 命題修正 試題入庫 試題生成 個案跟蹤 成績分析 對比真題 對比成績 結果推論 修正模型