
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:黃山書社  作者:季孫歙  頁數(shù):180  




筆墨紙硯——中國人的文房四寶 Writing Brush,Ink Stick,Paper and Ink Slab——Collectively Called "Four Treasures of a Chinese Study" 筆 The Writing Brush 筆的歷史 History of Writing Brush 毛筆的種類 Varieties of Writing Brushes 筆中名品 Famous Varieties 墨 Ink Stick 墨的歷史 History of Ink Stick 墨的種類 Varieties of Ink Sticks 墨的收藏 Ink Collection 紙 Paper 紙的歷史 History of Paper 紙的種類 Varieties of Paper 硯 Ink Slab 硯的歷史 History of Ink Slab 古硯的種類 Varieties of Antique Ink Slabs 四大名硯 The Most Famous Four Varieties 附錄:其他文房用具 Appendix:Other Tools in a Traditional Chinese Study


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:    文房四寶中,除紙出現(xiàn)稍晚外,筆、墨、硯都有著悠久的歷史。在這漫長的發(fā)展過程中,文房四寶的制作水平與日俱增,涌現(xiàn)了不少名工巧匠。他們精選名材,施展精湛的技藝,創(chuàng)造了大量的文房精品,為中國傳統(tǒng)文化留下了燦爛的遺產(chǎn)。 筆、墨、紙、硯是中國古代文人必備的文房用具,因此其幾千年的發(fā)展都是在古代文人的關(guān)注與參與下進行的。從器形到紋飾,從選材到制作,都凝結(jié)著古代文人的文化素養(yǎng)和審美觀念。 Apart from paper that came later, all the rest three have a long history behind, during which time their making technology was perfected and master makers appeared to leave legendary works behind with the best materials they could get and matchless skills they had honed. Their works are treasures from traditional culture. The four were indispensable to book readers' study and their progress involved active efforts from scholars. From their shape and decorative pattern to material chosen and making techniques, everything showed a scholarly taste in ancient times.





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