
出版時間:2009-6  出版社:延邊人民出版社  作者:王邁邁  頁數(shù):558  字數(shù):380000  


王邁邁中學(xué)英語系列叢書是一套深受中學(xué)生喜愛的好書。這套叢書的作者都是中學(xué)英語教學(xué)教研一線的中堅力量,其中包括原湖北省教研室中學(xué)英語學(xué)科負責(zé)人陳松林先生、黃岡市英語教研員蔣輝明先生、宜昌市英語教研員徐啟富先生、荊州市英語教研員王石林先生、孝感市英語教研員左唯英先生、原黃岡中學(xué)英語特級教師楊方正先生等,另外還有一些外籍專家也為這套叢書的出版做出了巨大貢獻。    一套中學(xué)英語系列叢書要想得到廣大讀者的認可,成為暢銷品牌,首先要有一種全心全意為讀者朋友服務(wù)的思想,急他們之所急,想他們之所想。其次,一流的作者隊伍則是這套叢書走向成功的可靠保證。這些英語教學(xué)專家常年奮斗在中學(xué)英語教學(xué)、科研的第一線,既深知中學(xué)生英語學(xué)習(xí)的實際困難和實際需求,又有新的教學(xué)理念和教學(xué)方法,能引領(lǐng)中學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革的方向和潮流。有這樣的指導(dǎo)思想,用這樣的作者隊伍,打造出一種高質(zhì)量的暢銷品牌應(yīng)該是,情理之中的事。




The 1st Day The 2nd DayThe 3rd Day The 4th Day The 5th Day The 6th Day The 7th Day The 8th Day The 9th Day The 10th Day The 11th Day The 12th Day The 13th Day  The 14th Day The 15th Day The 16th Day The 17th Day The 18th Day The 19th Day The 20th Day The 21st DayThe 22nd Day The 23rd Day The 24th DayThe 25th Day The 26th Day The 27th Day The 28th Day The 29th Day The 30th Day The 31st Day The 32nd Day The 33rd Day The 34th Day The 35th Day The 36th Day The 37th Day ……


  The Gomez family live in Mexico City  On Sundays they get up early. They dont have a big breakfast. They have only cof-fee, bread and butter. Then they go to church(教堂). After church they all go tothepark in the center(中心) of the city.  Rrst they go boating on the lake. Then they sit under the trees and have their picniclunch. The children fly their kites. Mr. Gomez always sleeps after lunch on Sundays!  In the afternoon, the small children ride the bikes, At about five oclock, they buyfruit or ice cream and then they catch the bus home.  They have supper at home. Then the children go to bed. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez al-so go to bed early on Sundays.


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