
出版時間:2012-6  出版社:譯林出版社  作者:(美)霍華德?派爾 著,(澳)麥瑟爾德 等改寫  頁數(shù):67  


  《津津有味·讀經典》推薦序  讀書最美妙的境界是讀得津津有味?! ∥蚁?,對于中小學生,英語閱讀要讀出三味才算是津津有味?! 〗蚪虻谝晃叮亲x出好成績。國家《義務教育英語課程標準》(2011年版)和國家《普通高中英語課程標準》(實驗)都規(guī)定了中小學生的英語閱讀量,要求學生每年課外閱讀一定量的英文讀物。用課外的閱讀提高自己的英語成績,肯定是我們進行課外閱讀的一個基本愿望。如何實現(xiàn)呢?這需要有相應的配套活動指導,因為這些活動可以把我們在閱讀中獲得的語感轉化為我們考試中可以表現(xiàn)出來的語言運用能力?! 〗蚪虻诙?,是讀出寬視野。我們通過閱讀認知我們無法靠自己生活的直接經驗認知的世界,我們可以通過閱讀穿越到任何時代,與大師為伍,與英雄比肩,入宮廷痛斥國王,到小村體恤貧民。我們不僅可以因此而曉知天下,更可因此與人廣泛交流?! 〗蚪虻谌?,是讀出高素養(yǎng)。閱讀是學習,學習知識,更學習做人的道理、做事的方法、分析的思路、明辨的條理、批評的路徑、建構的框架。閱讀是體驗,體驗如何淡泊明志、如何激揚文字,如此等等,豐富我們的人生理解,提高我們的綜合素養(yǎng)?! ∧憧隙〞?,如此三味,需要太多課外時間,我本無多少課外時間,是否可以聚合一體?   當然可以?!  督蚪蛴形丁ぷx經典》就是一套可以讓你讀出津津三味的讀物?! ∵@套讀物不僅符合國家《義務教育英語課程標準》(2011年版)和國家《普通高中英語課程標準》(實驗)的要求,更是匯集了西方文學經典,更為難得的是,英語語言優(yōu)美而又符合我國學生語言水平,同時附有表演短劇劇本、純正地道MP3和自主評價手冊。  如此,你可以開卷“悅讀”了吧!  期待你讀出津津三味!  教育部英語課程標準組專家 魯子問






CHAPTER 1 Robin Hood Meets the Outlaws
CHAPTER 2 Robin Hood Meets Little John
CHAPTER 3 Robin Hood and the Quarrelsome Friar
CHAPTER 4 Maid Marian Joi the Outlaws
CHAPTER 5 Robin and the Silver Arrow
CHAPTER 6 Robin Becomes a Butcher for a Day
CHAPTER 7 Robin Hood and the Tanner
CHAPTER 8 The Death of Robin Hood
New Words


  "What is your name?"one of the men asked.  "Call me Robin Hood. It is not my real name, butit is the name you must use."  The men wanted a leader. They liked Robin Hood.  "We want you as our leader!"they shouted.  "Very well,"Robin Hood replied."I will be yourleader. We will live together in the forest. We will allwear green clothes. We will stay here until good KingRichard returns. He will give us back our lands andhouses."  "We need some money, Robin,"one of the men said.His name was Will."I was your servant until PrinceJohn took your lands. I hid some of your gold in yourhouse before we left. Let me go to your house and getit."  "You must be careful, Will,"Robin Hood said."Thesheriff obeys the prince. He will hang you if he catchesyOU."  "I'll be careful, Robin,"Will said."I'll take Muchwith me."  Much was the youngest of the outlaws. He was agood and brave boy.  Will and Much went into the town. The sheriff'smen were everywhere. They were looking for RobinHood and the other outlaws.  Will and Much got into Robin's house without thesheriff's men seeing them. Will found the gold and putsome of it in a bag. He gave this to Much. The boy ranoff. Will put some gold and jewels under his clothes.Then he left the house.  Later, when Will came out of the house, the sheriff'smen saw him. He tried to run away, but they caughthim. They took him to the sheriff.  "Who are you? What were you doing in RobinHood's house?"the sheriff asked him.  "I was his servant,"Will said."I was trying to getsome of my things from his house."  "I have no quarrel with you,"the sheriff said."Myquarrel is with Robin Hood. You may go."  Then one of then sheriff's men said,"How do weknow the things are his? Perhaps they are Robin Hood's."  "You may be right,"the sheriff said."Search him!"  The men searched Will and found the gold.  "If you are a poor servant, then that gold must not beyours!"the sheriff yelled angrily."It is Robin Hood's.You must be one of his men. You are an outlaw andyou will hang tomorrow."  Much was waiting for Will in the forest. When Willdid not come, Much went back into town. He met afriend.  "Where is Will?"he asked him.  "The sheriff's men took him,"the friend answered."The sheriff will hang him tomorrow."  Much ran back into the forest. He ran as fast as hecould to the outlaws' camp.  "Will is in prison,"he told Robin."The sheriff willhang him tomorrow!" "We must rescue Will,"Robin said.  The next day Robin put on a beggar's old and dirtyclothes. Then he went into town.  Robin waited near the gallows. A crowd of peoplewas waiting. They wanted to see the hanging.  Soon the sheriff's men brought Will from the prison.The sheriff asked,"Where is the hangman? He shouldbe here."  He sent one of his men to get the hangman. Theman soon came back.  "The hangman is drunk,"the man said."  ……



    羅賓漢-津津有味.讀經典-適合初一.初二年級 PDF格式下載

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