
出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:鳳凰出版?zhèn)髅郊瘓F(tuán),譯林出版社  作者:樊志虹 編  頁(yè)數(shù):217  




內(nèi)容說(shuō)明人物介紹Lesson 1 Its great to be here! 能到這兒真好Lesson 2 Enjoy your year! 祝你這一年過(guò)得愉快Lesson 3 a little further再稍遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)Lesson 4 propose a toast干杯!Lesson 5 appreciate your help多謝你的幫忙Lesson 6 Call me anytime.隨時(shí)打電話給我Lesson 7 Well contact you.我們將會(huì)和你聯(lián)絡(luò)Lesson 8 Can we meet? 我們能見(jiàn)個(gè)面嗎?Lesson 9 I cant thank you enough!真不知該怎么謝你!Lesson 10 Journal Entry 1《日記1》:名字語(yǔ)法加油站Lesson 11 another rainy day又是兩天Lesson 12 in that case既然那樣Lesson 13 This nian-gao is delicious.年糕真好吃Lesson 14 We dont have that custom.我們沒(méi)有那種習(xí)俗Lesson 15 a conversational topic話題Lesson 16 feel free to ask不用客氣,盡管問(wèn)Lesson 17 what a surprise! 真不可思議Lesson 18 as challenge as ever和從前一樣很有挑戰(zhàn)性Lesson 19 the best spot最好的地方Lesson 20 Journal Entry 2《日記2》:天氣的重要性語(yǔ)法加油站Lesson 21 Its very different.很不一樣Lesson 22 Any plans tonight?今晚有何安排?Lesson 23 try too hard太過(guò)頭了Lesson 24 Nice for a change.改變一下真不錯(cuò)Lesson 25 Id like you to help.希望能有你的協(xié)助Lesson 26 a good idea好主意Lesson 27 a distinctive image鮮明的印象Lesson 28 I was impressed.我很感動(dòng)Lesson 29 I cant wait.我等不及了Lesson 30 Journal Entry 3《日記3》:職場(chǎng)的人際關(guān)系語(yǔ)法加油站Lesson 31 Whats your impression?你的印象如何?Lesson 32 You look so different.你變了Lesson 33 Those were the days.那段令人懷念的時(shí)光Lesson 34 Do you want to join me?要不要一起啊?Lesson 35 a rival agency競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手Lesson 36 I got engaged.我訂婚了Lesson 37 actually very simple事實(shí)上非常簡(jiǎn)單Lesson 38 mothers birthday媽媽的生日Lesson 39 No problem.沒(méi)關(guān)系Lesson 40 Journal Entry4《日記4》:模棱兩可的語(yǔ)氣語(yǔ)法加油站Lesson 41 the time of my life量興奮的時(shí)刻Lesson 42 Lets go eat.我們?nèi)コ燥埌蒐esson 43 great news天大的好消息Lesson 44 the happiest day of my life最高興的一天Lesson 45 youve adapted你已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了Lesson 46 a little gift一個(gè)小禮物L(fēng)esson 47 Youre attracting attention.大家都在看你了Lesson 48 sad to leave傷離別Lesson 49 I cant believe it.我不敢相信Lesson 50 Journal Entry5《日記5》:文化的差異語(yǔ)法加油站


  My diary  I have noticed that more and more Taiwanese have English names, and most of them didnt have one until they started working. I have asked some of my colleagues about it. They admitted that they are still addressed by original given names by their family and friends in everyday life,but when at work,people call one another by their English names instead. To tell the truth,its hard for me to understand why anyone would want to have another name while they already have beautiful and meaningful Chinese names?  Some say that its because having an English name seems to be trendy. Some explain that most foreigners have problems pronouncing their Chinese names,and English names are easier for them to remember and pronounce. For whatever reasons,most of them are accustomed to this,and dont feel any inconvenience. On the contrary, they think it helps a lot to create a more harmonious working atmosphere by using English names,because they dont have to address their bosses by their titles anymore.  我的日記  我注意到越來(lái)越多臺(tái)灣人有英文名字,而大多數(shù)的人在開(kāi)始工作之前并沒(méi)有英文名字。我問(wèn)過(guò)一些同事,他們說(shuō)平常生活中家人和朋友還是以原來(lái)的中文名字稱呼他們,但到了工作場(chǎng)合,大家就會(huì)以英文名字來(lái)稱呼彼此,反而不使用中文名字。說(shuō)真的,我很難理解,為什么明明已經(jīng)有個(gè)美麗且有意義的中文名字了,還會(huì)想要另外取英文名字呢?  有人說(shuō)這是因?yàn)橛袀€(gè)英文名字似乎是潮流;有人解釋是因?yàn)橥鈬?guó)人不知道該怎么念他們的中文名字,而英文名字對(duì)他們來(lái)說(shuō)又好記又好念。不管是基于何種理由取英文名字,對(duì)于同時(shí)有中文和英文名字這件事情,大多數(shù)人已經(jīng)習(xí)以為常了,并不會(huì)因此感到不便。相反地,使用英文名字對(duì)于創(chuàng)造一個(gè)更和諧的工作氣氛非常有幫助,因?yàn)樗麄冊(cè)僖膊恍枰灶^銜來(lái)稱呼主管們了?! ≈攸c(diǎn)解析  1....they are still addressed by original given names…其中的be addressed by…為“以…來(lái)稱呼”之意,如:He wants to be addressed by his new title.(他希望大家能以他的新頭銜稱呼他。)  2.given name  指名字,通常是由父母或長(zhǎng)輩取的名字;若是“姓”,則為family name。在英文中,名字的表示法為“名字在前,姓氏在后”,因此given name也可稱為first name,而family name則稱為last name?! ?....people call one another by their English names instead.其中的instead為“作為替代”之意,如He couldnt find his colored markers,So he drew with crayons instead.(他找不到他的彩色筆,因此用蠟筆取代來(lái)畫畫。)instead也可以跟of一起,當(dāng)詞組使用,后面必須接名詞或動(dòng)名詞,如:Instead of chiding me for not doing well on the exam,Mom encouraged me to study harder.(媽媽非但沒(méi)有責(zé)怪我考試沒(méi)有考好,反而鼓勵(lì)我要更加用功。)  4.to tell the truth  意即“老實(shí)說(shuō):說(shuō)真的”,放在句子之前,用來(lái)提醒對(duì)方自己將要說(shuō)出的真實(shí)想法。如:To tell the truth,I dont Like that movie at all.(老實(shí)說(shuō),我一點(diǎn)都不喜歡那部電影。)常用的相同用語(yǔ),還有in fact、frankly speaking、to be honest等等。



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