
出版時間:2008-2  出版社:鳳凰出版?zhèn)髅郊瘓F,譯林出版社  作者:SRA 編  頁數(shù):139  


  閱讀是陶冶情操、造就品格、發(fā)展智能、培養(yǎng)人才的巨大精神能源。在老師的指導下有效開展閱讀欣賞活動,可以引導學生充分發(fā)揮其思維潛能,提高閱讀能力,獲得美的享受。對于英語學習者來說,閱讀能力對于英語技能的全面提高至關重要,新課標對于初中學生的閱讀量也有明確要求,初中生畢業(yè)時,英語課外閱讀量累計須達到15萬詞。有鑒于此,許多學校都將英語閱讀欣賞課程建設作為推進素質教育、促進新課程改革的重要舉措,在現(xiàn)有課時框架內前瞻性地安排了英語閱讀欣賞課程?!犊鞓愤M階——中學英語閱讀欣賞》正是配合這種教學需要開發(fā)的?!  犊鞓愤M階——中學英語閱讀欣賞》叢書旨在培養(yǎng)學生對原汁原味英語語言的感受力和欣賞能力,開闊其視野,培養(yǎng)其跨文化交流意識;同時通過實時操練掌握終身受用的高效閱讀策略,增強學生閱讀活動的主動性,培養(yǎng)終身學習英語的能力。初三(下)分冊特色為:  1.目標明確,語言地道本書所有閱讀材料均引自麥格勞一希爾教育出版公司出版的專項閱讀訓練讀物Multiple Skills Series for Reading,語言地道,適合閱讀,非常有助于中學生朋友開闊視野,提高自身的閱讀技能以及其他各項語言技能,如,概括文章主旨、掌握文中所述細節(jié)問題、推斷作者的言外之意,等等。此外,本書還具有很強的診斷性,能鑒別出學生在哪些特定的閱讀技能類型上還有待提高?! ?.題材豐富,內容生動閱讀項目成功的一個關鍵因素在于題材的選擇。緊跟時代潮流的小說和非小說題材的文章,能激發(fā)學生的閱讀興趣,激勵他們運用所學的閱讀策略來繼續(xù)他們的閱讀訓練項目。




1 Getting the Main Idea2 Finding Details3 Comparing & Contrasting4 Identifying Cause & Effect5 Identifying Fact & Opinion6 Drawing Conclusions7 Sequencing8 Making Inferences9 Answer Keys


  9 Joseph loves to work in his garden. He works on it every day. He bought a tree today. He have to dig a big hole for the roots. He will plant it on the weekend. Joseph will only water his flowers today. He will leave the tree on his porch to plant on Saturday. What is the main idea? ?。ˋ) Joseph will plant a tree on the weekend.  (B) Joseph works on his garden every day. ?。–) Joseph will leave the tree on his porch. 10, Today is Ajas birthday. Her dad made a very good birthday dinner. After dinner Aja opened her gifts.  Aja went to the big box that was in the den. She began to tear the paper. Her heart was beating fast. When she saw the front wheel, she squealed. This was just what she wanted. A bicycle! What is the main idea? ?。ˋ) Aja squealed when she saw the front wheel. ?。˙) Aja got a bicycle for her birthday. ?。–) Ajas dad made a very good birthday dinner. 11. Rufus got a new doghouse. It is big, and-he can lie in it and take naps.  Rufus looked up at the roof of the house. A rope hung from the top. Rufus tugged on the rope with his teeth. A funny noise came from the roof. Every time he pulled, there was that same noise.  Soon his friend David came around. He was laughing. He said something to Rufus. Rufus understood. That noise meant it was time to play! What is the main idea?  (A) David laughed when he saw Rufus. ?。˙)Rufus has a new doghouse. ?。–) A funny noise came from the roof.


  強強聯(lián)手,重磅推出  語言地道 權威推薦 理念超前 提升能力  專為我國中學生量身打造的英語閱讀欣賞系列教程  國內首創(chuàng)  真正將國外原創(chuàng)內容和國內英語教學實際緊密結合,回饋全新的閱讀體驗?! 嗤扑]  名校名師精心編寫習題,教育專家傾力推薦?! 【o扣教學實際 鞏固所學知識  篇章內容與新課標話題項目同步,緊密配合教學進度要求,全面貫徹新課標和中、高考對中學生英語閱讀能力的要求?! ±砟畛?注重英語能力突破  提高文化素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)自主學習能力.實現(xiàn)英語綜合能力質的飛躍;練習實時演練閱讀策略,把脈中,高考命題趨勢?! ≡⒔逃跇贰 ∵x文包羅萬象,契合時代潮流,中學生可在全面提高英語能力的同時,暢享一段快樂的閱讀體驗。



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