
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:李觀儀 總主編,梅德明 主編  頁數(shù):255  字數(shù):896000  






  The Parent in Us  There are psychologists who believe that the Parent is a large collection of "recordings" thal is stored in a person's brain. These recordings are basically made during the first five years of the person's life. They are quite complete, and they contain a record of everything the little person heard or saw. Almost all of them can be recalled under the proper conditions.  Between 6 and 10 years of age, parents spend less time with their child due to the fact thal the child has begun school and is quickly developing his own friends and getting involved in afterschool activities. While early childhood focuses more on manners and getting along with others, middle childhood focuses on helping the child become more independent rather than relying on his parents for everything. Although the time spent with the child is less, studies show that the parental "recording" in the life of the child is still very strong. It is important to realize that because this is the developmental stage preceding adolescence'o, it is a time of preparation for the adolescent stage in life. Making sure a strong and sound set of "recordings" is laid can help ease the transition from childhood to adolescence in the coming years.  The parent-child relationship is the most important relationship the child has. A very important part of these recordings is the set of rules and laws that has been imposedii by the young person's parents. These rules and laws help shape the young person's beliefs about himself or herself and about the world, And, as the child has no way to judge them, these rules and laws are recorded in his brain as "truth."  What do these rules and laws say? Well, that depends upon what the parent said and did. Some common ones might be: "Be kind." "Be careful." "Don't lie." "Don't steal." "Mother loves you." "Father is wise." "Work is good." Such rules help socialize and comfort a child.  However, some of the other rules might be upsetting, demeaning or misleading: "Do it this way." "Don't do it that way." "You're bad." "You're stupid." "You're mean." "You're ridiculous." "Never give a sucker an even break." Such statements and rules can damage a person.  Every person's parent recording is different. Every person has a unique childhood. One psychologist simply points out two things: (1) each has a parent recording in his brain, and (2) this recording sometimes "comes on" and tells him what to do. lt's a voice out. of the past, telling him what to do in the present.  This may give the child problems. First, the information or rules in parents may be incorrect or out of date. Second, parents sometimes can influence their child without their being aware of it.   ……


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