出版時間:2012-8 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:莎士比亞 頁數(shù):289 字數(shù):316000 譯者:王宏印
《紅樓夢》、 《石濤畫語錄》、莎劇《哈姆雷特》以及吳宓、穆旦研究等;已出版學術著作46部,發(fā)表論文85篇。
Character in the play 劇中人物
ACTI 第一幕
Scenc1 第一場
Scene2 第=場
Scene3 第三場
Scene4 第四場
Scene5 第五場
Act II 第二幕
Sene1 第一場
Scene2 第二場
Act III 第三幕
Scenel 第一場
Scene2 第二場
Scene3 第三場
Scene4 第四場
Act IV 第四幕
Scenel 第一場
Scene2 第二場
Scene3 第三場
Scene4 第四場
Scene5 第五場
Scene6 第六場
Scene7 第七場
ACt V 第五幕
Scenel 第一場
Scene2 第二場
Enter Laertes and Ophelia,his sisterLAERTES My necessaries are embark’d Farewell。And sistea as the winds give benefit And convoy is assistant,do not sleep,Butletmehearfrom you。OPHELIA Do you doubt that?LAERTES For Hamlet,and the trifling ofhis favour,Holdit afashion and atoyin blood,A violet in the youth ofprimy nature,F(xiàn)orward,not permanent,sweet,not lasting,The perfume and suppliance ofa minute,no moreOPHELIA N0] nore but so?LAERTEs Think it no more For nature crescent does not grow aloneIn thews and bulk,but as this temple waxes,The inward service ofthe mind and SOUlGrows wide withal。Perhaps he loves you now,And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirchThe virtue ofhis will;but you must feat,His greatness weigh’d,his will is not his ownFor he himselfis SUbject to lfis birth:He may not,as unvalu'd peror do,Carve for himsel~for on his choice dependsThe sanity and health ofthis whole state;And therefore must his choice be eireumserib’dUnto the voice and yielding ofthat bodyWhereofhe is the head。Than ifhe says he loves you。Itfits yourwisdom SOfartobelieveitAs he in his particular act and placeMay give his saying deed;which is no furtherThan the main voice of Denmark goes withal。第三場玻羅涅斯家中一室 [雷奧提斯與奧菲莉雅上1雷:我的物品都已裝上船。再見。妹妹。有順風便船的時候,不要貪睡,給我捎個信兒,讓我能知道你的消息。奧:這還用疑心嗎?雷:至于哈姆雷特么,他調 情獻殷勤,只當是一時興致,年輕人的玩意兒。青春的紫羅蘭,春天的沖動而已。蓬勃向上難持久,芬芳喜人景難留。脂粉一盒,游戲一場,不過如此。奧:什么不過如此?雷:就當做不 過如此吧。人的自然成長并不僅僅是成長:長肉也長個兒,待靈魂的殿堂長成,內心的智慧和性靈方才算作成熟,操心的事兒也多起來?;蛟S他現(xiàn)在 愛著你,一時間顯得純潔無欺,他的高尚的動機尚未受到玷污; 可你總得憂著點。他的地位顯赫,就難免身不由己。因為他自己 要服從高貴的出身:他大概不會 像出身寒微的百姓那樣自作主張,因為他的選擇,關系到國家昌盛富強。因此他的選擇,就要受制于國事的 一致允準。受制于一國之君的名分。所以。假如他說他愛你,相信他 雖然也在你的情理之中,而他 在自己獨特的言行和地位之中,也可能會見諸行動,但畢竟 不能指望他逾越丹麥王位所要求 Then weigh what loss your h6nour may sustain If with too credent ear you list his songs,Or lose your heart,or your chaste treasure open To his unmaster’d importunity。Fear it,Ophelia,fear it,my dear sister And keep you in the rear ofyour affection out ofthe shot and danger ofdesire The chariest maid is prodigal enough Ifshe unmask her beauty to the moon。Virtue itself scapes not calumnious strokes The canker galls the infants ofthe spring T00 oft before their buttor be diselos’d,Andinthemornandliquiddew ofyouth Contagious blastments are most imminent。Be wary|hen:best safety lies in feat。Youth to itselfrebels,thougll none else near。OPHELIA I shall th'effect ofthis good lesson keep As watchman to my heart。But good my brother,Do not as some ungracious pastor do,Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven,Whiles like a puff’d and reckless 1ibertine Himselfthe primrose path ofdalliance treads,And recks not his own rede。LAERTES Ofoarme not I staytoolongEnter Polonius But here my lather comes。A double blessing is a double grace:Occasion smiles upon a second leave。POLONIUS Yet here,Laertes?aboard,aboard for shame。The wind sits in the shoulder ofyour sail,And you are stay’d for。There,my blessing with thee。And thesefewpreceptsinthymemory 的范圍。再想想,假如你聽信 他的甜言蜜語,你會有什么損失:或者丟了你的心,或者敞開了你 貞潔的至寶,供他無節(jié)制地享用。憂著點,奧菲莉雅,憂著點,我的妹妹,捍衛(wèi)你情感的后方拍,免遭他情欲的危及和中傷。一位貞潔的姑娘,她的大方,只把美艷袒露給明月就足夠了。美德本身多嬌嫩,容易毀傷。春天的寵兒,常?;ɡ龠€未及綻開,就遭到蠹蟲的侵蝕。青春的朝露,最是晶瑩透亮,也最無力抵抗無端的污染。當心點兒,有所忌諱最安全。青春反叛自身,自身最難抗拒。奧:我要牢記你的教誨之意,作為我…… 心靈的守夜人。我的好哥哥,切莫 像無信義的牧羊人,指給我一條 遍布荊棘的險路去天堂,而自個呢,倒是心安理得地踏上一條歡娛道兒,做眠花宿柳的公子哥兒,把自個的 話兒當成了耳邊風。雷:哦,不用擔心我。我待得太久了。[玻羅涅斯上] 啊,父親來了。雙倍的祝福是雙倍的福分,雙倍的告辭有雙倍的好運。玻:哦,雷奧提斯?要上船了,上船了,真好意思。好風停息 在你的帆肩上,正等著你呢。在這兒,我為你祝福了。
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