
出版時間:2011-9  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:祁壽華 編  頁數(shù):483  




Part 1 Warming Up
 Chapter 1. An Introduction to Writing in English
 Chapter 2. The Writing Process: A Bird's-Eye
Part 2 Strategies for Engaging the Writing Processes
 Chapter 3. Inventing and Planning
 Chapter 4. Organizing the Essay
 Chapter 5. Developing the Essay
 Chapter 6. Revising the Essay
 Chapter 7. Researching, Using, and Acknowledging Sources
Part 3 Strategies for Specific Writing
 Chapter 8. Writing to Describe Events
 Chapter 9. Writing to Describe People
 Chapter 10. Writing to Inform
 Chapter 11. Writing to Explain Processes
 Chapter 12. Writing to Explain Concepts
 Chapter 13. Writing to Argue
 Chapter 14. Writing to Propose
 Chapter 15. Writing to Analyze
 Chapter 16. Writing to Evaluate
 Chapter 17. Writing Research Papers
 Chapter 18. Taking Essay Exams
Part 4 Strategies for Developing a Mature and Effective
 Chapter 19. Sentence Development
 Chapter 20. Word Choice
 Chapter 21. Punctuation and Mechanics
Appendix: Brief Comments on Sample Essays


  Usually the subject is identified early on so that readers know what is being evaluated.All four essays in this chapter do SO in either the titles, the opening sentences,or a combination of both. Almost all review writers also provide certain amount of information about the subject itself early on so that readers will have a proper context in which to read,understand'and appreciate the review.However,a review of a book(fiction or nontcton)or a movie IS not simply a summary of the original.Beginning writers of book or movie reviews often end up giving no more than a synopsis,a recount of the original.Another risk of such reviews is to reveal too much and leave little suspense or nothing for readers(viewers)to enjoy for themselves.  Since the subject you want to review may be complex, it is often necessarv to narrow it down to a manageable scope or choose the most important aspect to fOcus On.While Rachel Metz gives almost all her attention to the food in her review Of the Chineserestaurant,Jeni Tu and Mike Pilver devote their energies to explaining why the moviesthey are reviewing lack in real substance.The Evaluation Should be Credible and Well-Developed.The Evaluation Should be Credible.  For the evaluation to be credible,the author has to demonstrate to the readers thathe or she is very knowledgeable about the particular subject,the general subject ofwhich the particular subject is a part,and the context in which the particular subject isbeing evaluated.The authors of the sample essays in this chapter demonstrate theircredibility in various ways,from having a first.hand experience dining in the Chineserestaurant to be reviewed to being a musician himself.Fhe Evaluation Should Use a Clear Set of Criteria.  Whether clearly stated or implicit,an evaluative argument has to have a clear set ofzriteria whereby to evaluate the subject.While none of the authors of the sample essavsactually states his or her criteria,each is quite clear about what to look for when he or;he IS sitting in the restaurant,the movie theater,or the concert hall.   ……





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