
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:虞蘇美,李慧琴,董亞芬 編  




UNIT 1 (Ann0uncements)PART A Micr0-listening Undetanding Airp0rt and Railway Stati0nAnn0uncementsPART3 Macr0-listeningAnn0uncement 1 We Wish Y0u a Pleasant FlightAnn0uncement 2 Here Is Y0blr Weekend GuidePART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:MakingAnn0uncements2.Retelling3.Discussi0nPART D H0me ListeningAnn0uncement 1 Have a Pleasant TripAnn0uncement 2 Can I Have Y0bit Attenti0n.PleaseUNIT 2 CelebritiesPART A Micr0-listening Listeningf0r Imp0rtant DetailsPART B Macr0-listeningC0nveati0n 1 rAe Pe0n IAdmire M0stC0nveati0n 2 Interview with a CelebrityPART C Practice1.P0ir W0rk2.Retelling3.DisCUSSi0nPART D H0me ListeningA Passage Celine Di0nA C0mp0und Dictati0nUNIT 3 AdvertisingPART A Micr0-1istening Listening f0r Key W0rdsPART B Macr0-listeningA PassageSuccessful AdvertisingA C0nveati0n We Were B0rn t0 Help Y0u D0 It BetterPART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:Talking Ab0utthe Pr0s and C0 0fAdvertising2.Retelling3.DzJcussi0nPART D H0me ListeningPassage 1 Advertisements and Critical ThinkingPassage 2 H0w t0 Advertisef0r a Bank?UNIT 4 CulturePART A Micr0-listening Listeningf0r Specific Inf0rmati0nPART B Macr0-listeningPassage 1What Are G00d Manne?Passage 2Tea Cerem0ny in JapanPART C 0ralPractice1.Pair W0rk2.Retelling3.Discussi0nPART D H0me ListeningA C0nverSati0n Mind Y0ur ManneA PassageA Thank Y0u LetterUNIT 5 0pine0PART A Micr0-listening Askingf0r and Giving 0pini0PART B Macr0-listeningF0rum 1IsIt Stupid t0 Say S0?F0rum 2HandguPART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:Askingf0r andGiving 0pini02.Retelling3.DIJcussi0nPART D H0me ListeningF0rum 1 Call us with y0ur pr0blenF0rum 2 If Y0u C0uld Ch00seUNIT 6 M0neyPART A Micr0-listening SummarizingPART B Macr0-1isteningPassage 1BanksPassage 2 What Is M0ney?PART C 0ralPractice1.P0ir W0rk2.Retelling3.Dzjcussi0nPART D H0me ListeningA St0ryA Dispu 0ver M0neyA C0mp0und Dictati0nUNIT 7cnvir0nmentPART A Micr0-listening TablesPART B Macr0-1isteningPassage 1 Save the Earth t0 Save 0uelvesPassage 2 Use Less PaperPART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:Talking Ab0ut theEnvir0nment and Its Pr0tecti0n2.Retelling3.Dzjcussi0nPART D H0me ListeningA Passage Envir0nmental Pr0blemsA TalkTAink GreenUNIT 8 St0ry TimePART A Micr0-1istening Making C0nclusi0PART B Macr0-ListeningSt0ry 1An Embarrassing ExperienceSt0ry 2An Art Less0nPART C 0ralPractice1.Paer W0rk2.Retelling3.DzJcussi0nPART D H0me ListeningA St0ryD0 Dreams Save Lives?PartA St0ryD0 Dmams Save Lives?UNIT 9 F00d and Drinks¨;PART A Micr0.1istening Listeningf0r Maj0r P0intsPART B Macr0-listeningPassage 1 What Kinds 0fF00d D0 Pe0ple Need?Passage 2 America'Fav0rite F00d-The HamburgerPART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:Talking Ab0utP00d2.Retelling3.Discussi0nPART D H0me ListeningPassage 1 Meals in BritainPassage 2 Great American DrinksUNIT 10 Cities,PART A Micr0-listening Listeningf0r Key W0rdsPART B Macr0-1isteningA PassageL0nd0nA C0nveati0n A City 0fLightPART C 0ral Practice1.Pair W0rk2.Retelling3.Discussi0nPART D H0me ListeningA C0nveati0n A Visit t0 EdinburghA PassageGr0wth 0f CitiesUNIT 11 St0ries in the NewsPART A Micr0-1istening Finding the Main IdeaPART B Macr0-listeningNews St0ry 1 Evening NewsNews St0ry 2 News at SixPART C 0ral Practice1.C0mmunicative Functi0n:News Rep0rting2.Retelling3.Discussi0nPART D H0me ListeningNews Rep0rts 1 Channel Five NewsNews Rep0rts 2 News at N00nUNIT 12 FntelligenceUNIT 13 Special DaysUNIT 14 Devel0pments in seience and fechn0l0gyUNIT 15 SpaceUNIT 16 HealthTEST 1TEST 2



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