出版時(shí)間:2011-3 出版社:上海外教 作者:克羅寧 編 頁(yè)數(shù):145
Irelad,1996)、《翻譯與全球化》(Translation and
Globalisation,2003)以及《翻譯與身份》(Translation and Identity,2006)等。
List of film stills
Introduction: the full picture
1 Translation: the screen test
2 The frontiers of translation: Stagecoach to Dances with
3 Translation howlers: A Night at the Opera to Borat
4 The long journey home: Lost in Translation to Babel
5 The empire talks hack: translation in Star Wars
版權(quán)頁(yè):The crucial word in Smith's analysis is 'mute.' The 'talkies' have not renderedaudiences speechless. Film spectators before and after films are coopted intoa network of anticipation and commentary, which has translation into locallanguage as a core element of the filmic experience. The socially mediatedactivity of language is crucial to the reception of the most all-pervasive ofblockbusters, and speakers as the active agents and speakers of languagewithin speech communities make of translation a dynamic process fromwhich effects cannot be anticipated or prescribed in an artful centripetalconspiracy. This is not to say, however, that the language of production is not withoutits effect The same teenagers who eagerly commented on Hollywoodblockbusters in Flemish were largely sceptical of the idea that interesting orentertaining films could be produced in their mother-tongue.The charmed circle of languageacquisition and cultural prestige was thus very much in evidence. As a con-sequence, however, in the case of other foreign-language films, '[qailure tocomprehend the dialogue does not merely reduce enjoyment in a particularfilm, it also promotes a negative attitude in general towards films in thatlanguage' (168). In other words, not only is watching film, as we have notedearlier, embedded in a language of reception but also the film itself becomessynonymous with language or rather with the on-screen experience of oneparticular language, English. For teenagers in Flanders used to listening toEnglish in a local audio-visual culture largely averse to dubbing, the Englishlanguage and cinematography were one and the same thing. Giovanni Scognamillo writing about the enthusiasm of Turkish audiencesfor Hollywood films during and after the Second World War argues that theywanted, 'action, wealth, spectacle and glamour[…]excitement and emotion.They want dreams and they pay to have their dreams' (Scognamillo 1991: 67).What Hollywood offered to audiences was a realm of fantasy, of make-believe, of a life that was more glamorous, more exciting than the humdrumreality of the local.