出版時間:2011-1 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:董亞芬,吳曉真 著 頁數(shù):288
Unit 1 How to Be a Successful Language LearnerUnit 2 ParentsUnit 3 Childrens EducationUnit 4 The Generation GapUnit 5 Mobile PhonesUnit 6 CompassionUnit 7 The Child in Our Heart (Part 1)Unit 8 The Child in Our Heart (Part 2)Unit 9 Famous WomenUnit 10 SuccessUnit 11 Summer JobsUnit 12 War and FamilyUnit 13 Born to BuyUnit 14 Memories of the PastUnit 15 Self-EsteemUnit 16 Mistaken IdentityTest Yourself 2(units 9-16)Appendix
?。?) It was a network of news and sentiment built by a family kept at adistance because of the war. But they all stayed close through the writtenword. All seven brothers returned safely from World War II. Only RalphWyciskalla is alive today and living in Tamaroa. For the remaining sixveteran brothers, they live on through their letters home. Although foralmost 60 years, the pages were forgotten. "Three years ago, we cleaned out the old house and found them," saidRalph. "It was fascinating, you just couldnt put them down. When you startedopening the envelopes —— youd see the dates on there 1944, 1945," saidRalphs wife Virginia Wyciskalla. (3) The stationery and sheets of notebook paper, yellowed and wornby time, detail the brothers day-to-day lives. Responses from HelenWyciskalla and the sisters tell of difficulties at home. Above all, onemessage rings clear: a mother in the heartland missed her seven sons. ?。?) "I dont know how she lived through it. Its amazing that she did, Iguess those old letters were what kept her going," said Ralph. Virginia says the collection of letters and wartime mementos also givesthe next generation of Wyciskallas a look at their ancestors from theGreatest GeneratiOn. "They were preserved for a reason, I think it was for us to pass on toour kids and their kids, just something that their family had been throughand they came back and were safe," said Virginia.
教育部推薦使用大學(xué)外語類教材 全國高等學(xué)校第二屆優(yōu)秀教材特等獎 國家教委高等學(xué)校第二屆優(yōu)秀教材一等獎 國優(yōu)教材 與時俱進(jìn) 再鑄輝煌 融合傳統(tǒng)與現(xiàn)代教學(xué)理念: 強(qiáng)調(diào)打好扎實語言基本功,突出綜合應(yīng)用能力的提高 發(fā)揮綜合優(yōu)勢,完善原有體系: 大幅度、全方位修訂《精讀》、《泛讀》、《聽力》、預(yù)備級《泛讀》、預(yù)備級《聽力》,重編《快速閱讀》、預(yù)備級《精讀》,刪繁就簡《語法與練習(xí)》 調(diào)整起點,充實優(yōu)化素材: 1800詞起點(預(yù)備級1300詞);選材全面完備,經(jīng)典性與時代性、文學(xué)性與科普性完美匹配 革新練習(xí),五種技能并重: 閱讀材料豐富多彩,聽力訓(xùn)練形式多樣,詞匯練習(xí)注重復(fù)現(xiàn),語法操練循序漸進(jìn),翻譯訓(xùn)練實用全面,口語活動精彩紛呈,寫作訓(xùn)練由淺入深,四、六級口、筆試中學(xué)生常犯的語言錯誤講解分析精辟實用 輔以現(xiàn)代教育技術(shù)手段,充分滿足教學(xué)需要: 同步推出與紙質(zhì)教材配套的電子教案和學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)光盤,幫助教9幣構(gòu)建新型的課堂教學(xué)模式,為學(xué)生創(chuàng)造自主式、交互式的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境