
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:吳潛龍  頁數(shù):147  


全新版大學(xué)英語閱讀教程教師手冊(第二版 通用本 2),ISBN:9787544621496,作者:吳潛龍 主編


Unit OneI. The Pleasure of Learning2. Coping with Santa Claus3. On the Shoulders of a HeroUnit Two4. Not Poor, Just Broke5. Blacks Return to Africa But US Is Home6. Raymond Carver, MentorUnit Three7. My Mother's Dream for Me8. I Know What's Right for My Son9. Be Scared for Your KidsUnit Four10. Anytime, Anyvyhere- But Beware11. Cutting, Loose12. The Web is the Most Conservative Force.on EarthUnit Flve13. My Own Experience14. The Day I Was Fat15. Flying BlindUnit Six16. To Be or NotTo Be Single17. Do Teenag, ers Need Full-Time Mums? Oplnions Vary18. This Is How She Does ItUnit Seven19. Mother Tongue20. Lost in Translation21. Lang,uage: A Reflection of Life In the U.S.Unit Eight22. The Disintegrating Web-The Causes and Consequences of Extinction23. "But a Watch in the Night": A Scientific Fable24. The Price We PayAppendixGlossary



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