出版時(shí)間:2011-5 出版社:上海外教 作者:吳定柏 頁數(shù):318
Chapter 1 Literature of Colonial America
Chapter 2 Early Romantics
Chapter 3 Transcendentalism
Chapter 4 High Romantics
Chapter 5 Realism
Chapter 6 Local Color Fiction
Chapter 7 Naturalism
Chapter 8 Modem Poetry
Chapter 9 Modem Fiction Before 1945
Chapter 10 Postwar Realism in Fiction
Chapter 11 Beat Generation
Chapter 12 Women Writers in America
Chapter 13 Jewish American Writers
Chapter 14 Black Literature
Chapter 15 Southern Literature
Chapter 16 Postmodem Fiction
Chapter 17 Modem Drama
Pound's early work was extraordinarily varied. It included someunusual translation of Chinese pems though he knew no Chinese. In1915 he finished Cathay, a volume of Chinese translations. In London,1909, he came into contact with T. E. Hulme and the Poets' Club. Healso made friends with the great Irish poet W.B. Yeats (1865 -1939 ).Between 1913 and 1914, he worked as secretary to Yeats. Like Yeats, Pound was developing his poetic style of clarity,precision and a direct conversational diction. " One strength of hispoetry is the way in which abstractions become tangible,sensoryobjects; another strength is his love for language, a sensitivity to nuances of meaning and sound which drove him to work and rework each line ofa poem for rhythmical and allusive perfection" (Baym 1782 -1783). Ezra Pound was a great man with a remarkably keen ear for the qualities of verse, constantly discovering new poets, generously and tirelessly getting them published in books, encouraging their growth,generously and tirelessly trying to educate the public to accept new forms of poetry. The poets who learned from him learned the importance of precise description of images, which is description of the senses: sight,hearing, taste, touch, or smell. Pund had an extremely importantinfluence because of his stress on the economy of verse. He was a bornteacher of poetry, indeed. ……