
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:戴勁,馬薇娜 編著  頁(yè)數(shù):189  




Unit 1 Cyber Warfare
Unit 2 The Land Warrior
Unit 3 Wolf at Our Door
Unit 4 Militarized Dolphins
Unit 5 Theory of Mind--From Babyhood to Childhood
Unit 6 "Doomsday Plans" in the U.S
Unit 7 The Lost Bombs
Unit $ The Aurora
Unit 9 Mystery Map
Unit 10 Raging Planet: Lightning
Unit 11 Bomb Attacks
Unit 12 The First Battle of the U.S. Civil War
Unit 13 Scare Me
Uint 14 Art of Forgery


  The Industrial Revolution may be defined as the application of power-driven machinery to manufacturing. It had its beginning in remote times, and is still continuing in some places. In the eighteenth century all of western Europe began to industrialize rapidly, but in England the process was most highly accelerated. England's head start (間上領(lǐng)先) may be attributed to the emergence of a number of simultaneous (同時(shí)存在的) factors.  Britain had burned up her magnificent oak (橡樹) forests in its fireplaces, but large deposits of coal were still available for industrial fuel. There was an abundant labor supply to mine coal and iron, and to man the factories. From the old commercial empire there remained a fleet, and England still possessed colonies to furnish raw materials and act as captive (受壟斷的) markets for manufactured goods. Tobacco merchants of Glasgow and tea merchants of London and Bristol had capital to invest and the technical know-how derived from the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. Last, but not   east important, the insularity (島國(guó)性質(zhì)) of England saved industrial development from being interrupted by war. Soon all western Europe was more or less industrialized, and the coming of electricity and cheap steel after 1850 further speeded the process.  ……



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