
出版時間:2010-12  出版社:黃源深 上海外語教育出版社 (2010-12出版)  作者:黃源深  頁數(shù):220  






Matthew Arnold's "Disinterestedness" ReconsideredThe Ancestor Complex—— The Theme of The Ancestor GameJohnno and Some Other Social Misfits in Australian LiteratureThe Artistic Strength and Weakness of Henry LawsonFrom Nationalism to InternationalismThe Poet LawsonSome Comments on the Style of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony and VossDiscrimination and Distortion —— The Chinese in Early Australian LiteratureThe Message of White's SuccessLawson, the Voice of AustraliaThe Portrayal of Women in The Flight from the Enchanter and After Leaving Mr. MackenzieGlobalisation and Counter-Globalisation: Australian Studies in ChinaPublish or Perish? An Overview of the Publication of Australian Material in ChinaTowards a Better UnderstandingSome Hindrances to Multiculturalism in AustraliaLawson's Short StoriesAn Introduction to Collected Papers on Australian Studies in ChinaSpeech at the Opening Ceremony of International Conference of Australian Studies in ChinaPreface to Selected Papers of the 8th International Conference of Australian Studies in ChinaFighting Hard to Create Australian Studies in China——A Speech for the "Frontiers of Knowledge Symposium" (13 Nov. 2009)The Speech Delivered at the Closing Ceremony of China's First D. H. Lawrence Conference (Oct. 21——27, 1988)A Comparison between the Two Poems: "The Lamp and the Jar" and "Meditation on a Bone"


版權(quán)頁:Practically "disinterestedness" has a long-term aim to cure the weakness in intelligence of the English middle class, the English Philistine. Great Britain, Arnold realises, badly requires reinstating in a Europe dominated by the democratic intelligence of the French and by the disciplined vigour of the Germans. Its heyday over, British aristocracy has ceased to count. The historic duty thus falls upon the middle class, "the kernel of the nation". Yet the intelligence of the middle class is virtually non-existent. And so Arnold undertakes to lead this class into the light of a new era and the theory of "disinterestedness" is part of this ambitious endeavour.Arnold proffered his famous "disinterestedness" which, local and temporary in its references to the cultural crisis in Britain, may nevertheless claim a universal and enduring value. The theory recommends impartiality, objectivity, detachment and broadmindedness, qualities which criticism of all age demands. But it is even more than that. With an end to know the genuine best in the world, it is a search for truth and perfection, towards which Arnold attempts to' lead man. Although "perfection can never be reached", Arnold believes, the disinterested approach "is the nearest approach to perfection of which men and nations are capable".





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