
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:上海外教  作者:葉勝年  




CHAPTER 1 Introduction1.1 Motivations and grounds for making comparative studies1.2 The essentials of comparative culture in the present book1.2.1 The leading role of ideology1.2.2 Literature and art as part of cultural tradition1.2.3 A variety of cultural subjects1.3 Gap yet to be bridgedCHAPTER 2 A Comparison of Ancient Chinese and Western Philosophies2.1 A survey of ancient Chinese philosophy2.1.1 Confucianism2.1.2 Taoism2.1.3 Legalism2.1.4 Mohism2.2 A survey of ancient Western philosophy2.2.1 The inception of Western philosophy2.2.2 The representative figures or schools2.3 Comparative comments2.3.1 Economic, political and intellectual circumstances2.3.2 Philosophical and academic ideas 2.4 A case study2.4.1 Setting for the birth of Confucius and Socrates' ideologies2.4.2 Personal and academic experiences2.4.3 Religious faith2.4.4 Political views2.4.5 Philosophical and cognitive issues2.4.6 Ethical ideasCHAPTER 3 A Comparison of Middle-Age Chinese and Western Philosophies3.1 Social and intellectual background3.2 Chinese representative philosophies 3.2.1 Fan Zhen3.2.2 Zhu Xi3.2.3 Wang Shouren3.3 Western representative philosophies3.3.1 Neoplatonism3.3.2 Scholasticism3.3.3 The Christian Reformation and Martin Luther3.4 Comparative comments3.4.1 The establishment and defence of the orthodox ideology3.4.2 Historical reasons behind the faiths3.4.3 The view of Confucianism and Christianity3.4.4 Influence on the attitude towards nature and learning3.4.5 Mysterious and religious factors within the ideological tendency3.5 A case study3.5.1 Motivation for scholarly modifications3.5.2 Epistemology and metaphysics 3.5.3 Ethical principles .3.5.4 Political, social and intellectual concerns CHAPTER 4 A Comparison of Modern Chinese and Western Philosophies4.1 Social and intellectual scene for modern philosophy4.2 The Chinese representative thinkers4.2.1 Wang Fuzhi4.2.2 Gong Zizhen 4.2.3 KangYouwei 4.2.4 Sun Yatsen 4.3 The development of modern Western philosophy and its representative figures4.3.1 The Renaissance: F. Bacon and T. Hobbes4.3.2Empiricism and J. Locke4.3.3 J. Rousseau and the French Revolution4.3.4 J. Mill, F. Nietzsche and the dawn of the new era4.4 Comparative comments4.4.1 Social and intellectual conditions……CHAPTER 5 A Comparison of the Chinese and English LanguagesCHAPTER 6 A Comparison of Chinese and Western PoetryCHAPTER 7 A Comparison of Chinese and Western FictionsCHAPTER 8 A Comparison of Chinese and Western PaintingsCHAPTER 9 A Comparison of Science between China and the WestEpilogueChronological Table of Major Chinse and Eestern Cultural Events FiguresBibliography


The Western cultural tradition emphasized the restrictive role of the moralcode though it was seemingly more tolerant of political offences.Yet dissidentsalso suffered similar persecution during the Middle Ages, such as what occurred toDante with his The Dwine Comedy.  In spite of this, one could fmd a number ofpoems or novels or art works, which were characterized by political dissidencebut received little or no censorship (although they might be ostracized)after thebourgeoisie took over power. English romantics like Byron and Shelley, forinstance, time and again expressed their strong desire to stage a revolution againstthe ruling class in their romantic and sometimes overemotional poems.  Novels byCharles Dickens, William Thackeray, Stendhal and Victor Hugo also showedstrong sympathies for the poor and expressed the wish that the capitalist exploitingsystem would decline. But their works seemed to meet with surprisingly littlecensorship or banning in their circulation. Of course, undeniably the RomanCatholic church with its infamous list of prohibited books, issued by itsdepartment of Propaganda, did exert significant influence on some parts of theWestern world.






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