
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:(英)勒菲弗爾 編,夏平 導讀  頁數(shù):182  


本書側重文化視角,收錄了從公元前106年到1931年有關翻譯研究的重要思想,其中部分文獻首次以英文發(fā)表,是對翻譯研究者知識體系的重要補充。    書中收錄的均是原文中有關翻譯論述的片斷,分別按意識形態(tài)的影響、贊助人的作用、詩歌翻譯、文化體系、翻譯與語言發(fā)展和教育、翻譯技巧、中心文本和中心文化等主題排列,是翻譯研究領域一本不可多得的參考圖書。




PrefaceAcknOwledgmentsIntroductionAnne Dacier: from the introduction to hertranslation of the Iliad1  The role of ideology in the shaping of a translation    Flaccus Quintus Horatius: from the "Letter to the    Pisones, " also known as the Ars Poetica    Aurelius Augustinus (Saint Augustine) : from "On    the Christian Doctrine"; from the "Letter to Saint    Jerome"    Martin Luther:from the "Circular Letter on    Translation"    August Wilhelm Schlegel: from the "History of    Romantic Literature"    Anne Louise Germaine de Sta61: from the Writings    Victor Hugo: from the preface to the New    Shakespeare Translation2  The power of patronage    John of Trevisa: from the "Dialogue between a    Lord and a Clerk upon Translation, " printed as    the preface to his translation of the Polychronicon    Jean de Br6che, called de Tours: from the preface to his    translation of HippocratesJoachim Du Bellay: from the Dkfense et illustration de   la langue francaisePhilemon Holland: from the preface to his   translation of Pliny's The Historic of the WorldJohn Dryden: from the "Dedication" to his   translation of the AeneidJohann Wolfgang yon Goethe: from the "Writings   on Literature"PoeticsEtienne Dolet: from "On the Way of Translating    Well from One Language into Another"Antoine Houdar de la Motte: from the preface to his    translation of the IliadVoltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) : from a letter to    Anne DacierAugust Wilhelm Sch|egel: from "Something About    William Shakespeare on the Occasion of Wilhelm    Meister"Edward Fitzgerald: from the preface to the    Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamUlrich yon Willamowitz-Moellendorff: from "The     Art of Translation"  Universe of Discourse  Nicolas Perrot d'Ablancourt: from the preface to his     translation of Lucian  Jacques Delille: from the preface to his translation of     Virgil's Georgics  Pierre le Tourneur: from the preface to his     translation of Young's Night Thoughts  Antoine Pr6vost, better known as Ahb6 Pr6vost:     from the preface to his translation of     Richardson's Pamela  Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) : from the preface      to his translation of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar   John Hookham Frere: from the preface to his      translation of Aristophanes   Dillon Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon: from the      Essay on Translated Verse5  Translation, the development of language, and     education     Marcus Tullius Cicero: from "On the Orator";     from "On the Limits of Good and Evil"     Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: from the "Guide to     Rhetoric"     Hieronymus (Saint Jerome) : from the "Letter to     Pammachius"     Roger Bacon: from "On the Knowledge of     Languages"    Juan Luis Vires: from "Versions or Translations"    Jacques Pelletier du Mans- from his "Poetics"     August Wilhelm Schlegel: from "The Works of     Homer by Johann Heinrich Voss"    Percy Bysshe Shelley: from "A Defence of Poetry"    Gaius Caecilius Plinius Secundus: from the     "Letters"    Johann Christoph Gottsched: from the "Critical    Poetics"    Thomas Carlyle: from "The State of German    Literature"6  The technique of translating    Desiderius Erasmus: from the "Letter to William    Warham"    Antoine Lemaistre: from the "Rules of French    Translation"    George Chapman: from the prefatory texts to his    translation of the Iliad    Alexander Pope: from the preface to his    translation of the Iliad    August Wilhelm Schlegel: from the "Letter to    Herrn Reimer"    Dante Gabriel Rossetti: from Dante and His Circle    Matthew Arnold: from "On Translating Homer"7  Central texts and central cultures    Sir Thomas More: from the Confutation of Tyndale's    Answer    Anonymous: from "The Translators to the Reader, "    the preface to the Authorized VersionJohann Gottfried Herder: from the "Fragments"Johann Wolfgang yon Goethe: from "Poetry and   Truth"; from the "Book of West and East"; from   the "Writings on Literature"August Wilhelm Schlegel: from the "Argument   Between Languages"; from the "History of   Classical Literature"Edward Fitzgerald: from a letter to E. B. CowellLonger statementsLeonardo Bruni, called Aretino: from "The Right    Way to Translate"Petrus Danielus Huetius: from "Two Books on    Translation"John Dryden: from the preface to his translation of    Ovid's EpistlesJean le Rond d'Alembert: from "Remarks on the Art    of Translating," printed as the preface to his    translation of TacitusCharles Batteux: from "Principles of Literature"Gaspard de Tende, sieur de l'Estaing: from the    "Rules of Translation"Johann Jakob Bodmer: from the "Ninety-Fourth     Letter" in his "Painter of Morals"  Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee:     from the Essay on the Principles of Translation  Wilhelm von Humboldt: from the preface to his     translation of Aeschylus' Agamemnon  Friedrich Schleiermacher: from "On the Different     Methods of Translating"  Ulrich von Willamowitz-Moellendorff: from     "What is Translation?", originally written as the     preface to his translation of Euripides' HippolytusBibliographical referencesIndex




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  •   這是一本關于翻譯、歷史與文化的英文論文集。夏平先生作了回“向導”——對所收論文的主旨作了粗略的介紹。需要搞這方面研究的學者,要找第一手資料可以從中受益的。
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