
出版時(shí)間:2009-12  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:刜蘭茨·波契哈克  頁數(shù):252  


  《口譯研究概論》的全書分三個(gè)部分:第一部分“理論基礎(chǔ)”(Foundations)介紹口譯研究的基本概念、歷史沿革、研究路徑、研究范式、口譯模式等。第二部分“選題及研究”(Selected topics and research)討論口譯研究的四個(gè)主要方面,包括口譯過程研究、口譯產(chǎn)品及譯員表現(xiàn)研究、口譯實(shí)踐與職業(yè)研究、口譯教學(xué)研究等。  第三部分“研究趨向”(Directions)對(duì)口譯研究的學(xué)科發(fā)展態(tài)勢(shì)和關(guān)鍵問題進(jìn)行扼要總結(jié),并對(duì)今后口譯研究的發(fā)展趨勢(shì)和路徑作出預(yù)測(cè)。




List of figuresAcknowledgementsIntroducing Introducing…PART I Foundations 1 Concepts  1.1 Conceptual roots  1.2 Interpreting defined  1.3 Settings and constellations  1.4 Typological parameters  1.5 Domains and dimensions 2 Evolution  2.1 Socio-professional underpinnings  2.2 Breaking ground: professionals and psychologists  2.3 Laying academic foundations  2.4 Renewal and new beginnings  2.5 Consolidation and integration  2.6 Interpreting studies in the twenty-first centuy 3 Approaches  3.1 Disciplinary perspectives  3.2 Memes of interpreting  3.3 Methodology 4 Paradigms  4.1 The notion of ‘paradigm'  4.2 Forging a paradigm  4.3 Experimenting with interpreting  4.4 Aspiring to science  4.5 Broadening the view  4.6 Focusing on interaction   4.7 Unity in diversity 5 Models  5.1 On modeling  5.2 Socio-professional and institutional models  5.3 Interaction models  5.4 Processing models  5.5 Models, tests and applicationsPART II Selected topics and research 6 Process  6.1 Bilingualism  6.2 Simultaneity  6.3 Comprehension  6.4 Memory  6.5 Production  6.6 Input variables  6.7 Strategies 7 Product and performance  7.1 Discourse  7.2 Source-target correspondence  7 3 Effect  7.4 Role  7.5 Quality 8 Practice and profession  8.1 History  8.2 Settings  8.3 Standards  8.4 Competence  8.5 Technology  8.6 Ecologyl  8.7 Sociology 9 Pedagogy  9.1 Curriculum  9.2 Selection  9.3 Teaching  9.4 Assessment  9.5 Meta-level trainingPART III Directions 10 Directions  10.1 Trends  10.2 Perspectives  10.3 OrientationBibliographyInternet linksAuthor indexSubject index


  In this institutional context,pioneering professionals produced the first textbooksof interpreting (Herbert 1952, Rozan 1956, van Hoof 1962, Seleskovitch 1968), and(conference) interpreter training programs throughout the 1970s and 1980sforegrounded the professional rather than the academic dimension of higher education.Ever since the 1980s, though, there has been a trend in many institutions toward whatMackintosh (1999: 73) calls “a more theory-friendly curriculum”: CIUTI has come tostress the dual identity of interpreter (and translator) education as being both orientedtowards professional practice and guided by academic research; more and moreinterpreter trainers have been taking an interest in research (to enhance their teachingor their academic career opportunities, or both); interpreting students have becomeincreasingly exposed to theoretical analysis and reflection; some T/I schools havebeen more closely integrated with research-oriented departmental structures; and manystudents have completed graduation theses devoted to interpreting research. Mostimportandy, interpreting has increasingly become accepted as a subject worthy ofdoctoral research, and there has been a steady output of PhD theses, whose role infueling the development of interpreting studies as an academic discipline can hardlybe overestimated.


  《口譯研究概論》是一部編排科學(xué)的口譯研究入門教材,對(duì)口譯研究的理論基礎(chǔ)、選題及其研究方法以及研究趨向等進(jìn)行了龐而不雜、條理清晰的綜述,是口譯研究的學(xué)科理論奠基之作。該書自出版以來在翻譯研究界及口譯研究界均受到高度評(píng)價(jià)。翻譯研究界的代表人物莫納·貝克(Mona Baker)稱,“這本以讀者為本的實(shí)用教科書是口譯研究這門重要的新興學(xué)科的一個(gè)權(quán)威路線圖?!眹H口譯界的最大行業(yè)組織“國際譯員協(xié)會(huì)”(AIIC)也發(fā)表評(píng)論稱,“該書的出版是對(duì)口譯研究領(lǐng)域的一大貢獻(xiàn)?!?/pre>




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  •   雖然的確是泛泛而談,但是卻面面聚到,對(duì)于宏觀掌控研究可能性的目的而言還是受益匪淺的。
  •   對(duì)口譯學(xué)習(xí)應(yīng)該挺有幫助
  •   不愧是大師兄...
  •   這套教材對(duì)于口譯訓(xùn)練確實(shí)大有裨益。如果有配套譯本就更好了。
  •   與英文版的配套一起讀更便于理解.
  •   引進(jìn)版 很好啊

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