
出版時間:2010-2  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:艾丹,胡慧 主編  頁數(shù):239  




Unit 1 People around you Text A Look carefully and learn Dialogue1 Keep in touch Text B Bill Gates Grmnmar 1. Present and past continuous tenses 2. Auxiliary verbsUnit 2 Around the world Text A England and Britain Dialogue We want to go to Spain Text B Impressions of the British Grammar The comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs ..Unit 3 Life stories Text A Excuses Dialogue A birthday gift Text B "Whatever you need" Grammar Word formation Unit 4 News and media  Text A Surviving a plane crash Dialogue What a messt. Text B Different types of media Grammar Types of sentencesUnit 5 Dealin9 with money Text A Money and the meaning of life Dialogue Making ends meet Text B The history of money Grammar Present perfect tenseUnit 6 Words and stories Text A The dumbest of grammas in the world Dialogue Seeing eye to eye Text B Where are the words from Grarnmar Modal verbs can, may, mustUnit 7 Fairy stories Text A The eagle and the beetle Dialogue The moral of a fable Text B Walking in the woods Grammar When.clause and if-clauseUnit 8 Social matters Text A FBI teams up with business to fight cyber crime Dialogue A chat on line Text B Good intentions aren't enough Grammar Restrictive attributive clauseUnit 9 Science and future Text A Why we must venture into space Dialogue A difficult job to do Text B How computers came about Grammar Expressions of simple future tense: "will" andUnit 10 Customs Text A A national holiday Dialogue Dinner invitation Text B April Fool's Day Grammar Passive voiceUnit 11 Dilemmas Text A A working woman's dilemma Dialogue A student's dilemma Text B The prisoner's dilemma." a fable Grammar Direct and indirect speechesUnit 12 Cultural difference Text A Walls Dialogue Italian food Text B What are good manners? Grammar Present and past participlesAppendix: Glossary Useful Expressions Proper Names Irregular Verbs



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  •   一點都看不明白,無奈,,,
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