出版時(shí)間:2009-9 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:史墨伍德(Ian Smallwood),Li Po Lung 頁數(shù):158
Chinese universities and colleges there is an increasing emphasis on the practical toEnglish for listening and speaking in real contexts. It is recognized that students oral skills inEnglish also need to be linked to the development of a creative spirit, to cultural awareness andskills in intercultural communication, and to the active application of thinking and problem-solvingskills.The Creative Communication series of College English textbooks focuses on the active use of oralEnglish to develop students communication skills in a wide variety of practical situations. The seriesencourages students to be creative and flexible in speaking English, to be aware of interculturalaspects of using English. The series also prepares students for the College English Tests. The Cre-ative Communication series complements the six books in the Creative Reading series of CollegeEnglish textbooks.
The Creative Communication series of College English textbooks encouragesstudents to be creative and flexible in speaking English, to be aware of intercul-tural aspects of using English and to be prepared for the College English Tests.It is written by a team of authors who have extensive experience of teaching oralEnglish to Chinese university students, and who have a strong background indesigning, writing and using textbooks. It complements the six books in the Cre-ative Reading series of College English textbooks and features: the progressive learning of key words and phrases for oral interaction,with systematic opportunities to practise them flexibly, regular practice in focused listening for detailed information as well asfor implications, the systematic provision of information and insights into cultural aspectsof using English, with participation activities which develop interculturalcommunication skills, the creative application of oral English to develop students abilities toexpress their own ideas and opinions, solve problems, use their imagination, and work collaboratively, regular and systematic practice for College English Tests, typical testformats on the theme of each module.all these will greatly expand students creativity in communication.
MODULE ONE:“I really enjoyed itMAIN SKILLS:expressing preferences1ikes and dislikes;using the language of comparison;interpreting information;listening for agreement and comparisonUNIT 1:discussing preferences and expressing likes and dislikesCulture corner:Convincing othersUNIT 2:making comparisonsCreative speaking:The best everMODULE TWO:“What do UOU think山e should buu her?MAIN SKILLS:giving suggestions,making choices,negotiating agreement;identifying likes and dislikes;inferring and listening for detailsUNIT 3:the hmguage used in shops choosing giftsCulture corner:Expressing appreciation and gratitudeUNIT4:the language used in shops buying giftsCreative speaking:A gift to thank you for your years of service!MODULE THREE“Can I get some details,please?MAIN SKILLS:exchanging information and checking details;form-filling;listening for stressed information;distinguishing between positive and negative commentsUNIT5: asking for information and filling informsCulture corner:Ask if you are not sureUNIT 6:giving information and distinguishing between positive and negative comments Creative speaking:Designing formsMODULE FOUR:“What do you advise?MAIN SKILS:seeking and giving advice;note-taking and listening for specific words;discussing problems;generalisingUNIT7:askingfo,and giving adt’ice on personal problems Culture corner:Ways oflisteningUNIT8:discussing problems and making generalisationsCreative speaking:A problem well-stated is a problem half solved,a problem shared is a problem halvedMODULE FIVE Things that go bump in the nightMAIN SKILLS: giving opinions; expressinq strengths of belief; listening for inference and key content words; introducing questions and questionnaire itemsUNIT 9: discussing beliefs about ghosts and the supernaturalCulture corner: Expressing your opinionsUNIT 10: interviewing about life on other planets and superstitionsCreative speaking: Luck, chance and riskMODULE SIX: “So what are the pros and cons?”MAIN SKILLS: listing and comparing pros and cons; attending to key words and phrases; inter, preting graphicsUNIT 1 t : discussing the advantages and disadvantages of fameCulture corner: Youve got two handsUNIT 12: comparing advantages and disadvantages of being a teacherCreative speaking: On the other handMODULE SEVEN: "Id like to volunteer, please"MAIN SKILLS: evaluating personal qualities; listening for sequence indicators; interpreting graphics; making suggestionsUNIT 13: discussing personal qualities and voluntary work Culture corner: Praising yourselfUNIT 14: making suggestions and planning a project Creative speaking: Why do voluntary Work?MODULE EIGHT: “As you can see from the chart”MAIN SKILLS: presenting information; describing and discussing charts; recognizing and un derstanding information in graphic formatsUNIT 15: describing charts and presenting informationCulture corner: Ways of describing findingsUNIT 16: interpreting statisticsCreative speaking: Famous last words
Work in pairs. Listen to the following discussion between two people on whether theyprefer reading a fictional book or watching a movie. As you listen, make brief notes in thespace provided on the advantages of each form of entertainment.Speaker 1: Ive just watched the movie of “The Lord of the Rings”. Have you seen it? Speaker 2: Yes I have. I quite enjoyed it, but it wasnt anywhere near as good as the novel.Speaker 1: Thats interesting. Why do you think that?Speaker 2: Well, when you read the book, you can use your imagination more. However, in the movie, the director has decided for you what things are like and they are never the same as what you imagine them to be.
大學(xué)英語創(chuàng)意口語-第二冊-學(xué)生用書 PDF格式下載