出版時間:2009-9 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:梁中賢 著 頁數(shù):326
研究伊麗莎自·喬利是要有勇氣的,因為這是一個風(fēng)格奇譎、很難把握的作家。作品中滲透著后現(xiàn)代手法,卻又不乏現(xiàn)實主義細(xì)節(jié)描寫和狄更斯式人物個性化語言的重復(fù);刻畫的大多是傳統(tǒng)小說中的小人物:護(hù)士、清潔工、小職員、喪失生存能力的老人等。這些人卻都有著強(qiáng)烈的現(xiàn)代意識,卷入這樣那樣的同性戀、老少戀,乃至亂倫;小說無意構(gòu)建曲折動人的故事,只是把一種感受傳達(dá)給讀者,卻照樣具有震撼力。無論是小說的意蘊(yùn),還是人物的個性,都有著一種模糊含混、撲朔迷離的特質(zhì),使人容易偏離準(zhǔn)確的判斷。這就是喬利——一位讓不少評論家望而生畏的澳大利亞女作家。而梁中賢卻偏偏選擇了她作為博士論文的研究對象,我們不得不佩服她的勇氣?! 「钗覀凅@訝的是,攻讀碩士學(xué)位期間,梁中賢研究的是語言學(xué),與文學(xué)相距十萬八千里。她表示要考我的博士的時候,說實話,我是心存疑慮的,后來見了她用英文撰寫的短論文,覺得還不錯,才表示歡迎。進(jìn)校以后,我又知道她仍擔(dān)任著系主任的職務(wù),并沒有因讀博而卸職,只是一面上課,一面遙控著遠(yuǎn)在北國的行政事務(wù),應(yīng)當(dāng)說是夠辛苦的。入學(xué)之前,她已經(jīng)是正教授了,職稱與職務(wù)業(yè)已俱全,在常人看來,又何必離家別子,自討苦吃呢?或者按部就班,修完該修的課程,從從容容寫一篇博士論文,實在來不及,拖上個三兩年,只要能通過,不就行了?又何需忙得死去活來,緊趕慢趕,非要在三年內(nèi)寫完呢?
Introduction0.1 Review of Critical Study on Elizabeth Jolley0.2 A Semiological Approach0.3 Method of ApplicationChapter One Margin and Center1.1 Dichotomous Conceptualization of the Wodd1.2 Definition of Margin and Center1.3 Relationship between Margin and CenterConclusionChapter Two Elizabeth JoHey and Sense of Margin—— Central Mischief2.1 Claims of Being Marginal2.2 Self-discovery and Dual Division2.3 Marginal Representations in Jolleys FictionConclusionChapter Three Silence in the Shadow of Power—— Mr.Scobies Riddle3.1 Silence as Instrument of Insensibility3.2 Silence in the Generation Gap3.3 Silence in the Form of PowerConclusionChapter Four Myths of Margin and Codes of Powerlessness—— Milk and Honey4.1 Myths of Ideal and Instrument of Power4.2 Myths of Margin and Mystery as the Other4.3 Codes of Powerlessness and the Opposition of MythConclusionChapter Five Demystification of the Myths —— Palomino5.1 Lesbian——A Shunned Existence5.2 Sexuality as Dynamic—— Demystification of Heterosexuality5.3 Sexual Equality—— From Lesbian Visibility to Corporeal SubjectivityConclusionChapter Six Changing Perspectives on Margin—— An Innocent Gentleman6.1 Personality Marginalized6.2 Personality Diminished6.3 Live-and-Let-Live PersonalityConclusionChapter Seven A New Perspective between Margin and Center —— The Orchard Thieves7.1 Reconsidering the Two Aspects—— Margin and Center7.2 Transcending the Two Layers—— Individual and Societal7.3 Breaking through the Dichotomy—— Integration-in-DiversityConclusionConclusion Boundary Blurred—— Concurrent CosmosBibliography
By resurrection, Christians mean that God transforms our dead physical body into a living spiritual body, in which the body has died, and what is raised is not an immortal soul, but a spiritual body. All Christian doctrines bend every effort to promote the consciousness of separation, isolation, and duality between the binary opposites. Thus Christianity encourages people to live in a God-centered world, a sacred and good life, a world-negating life, for only through forsaking this current life can people find true meaning in life, an afterlife with God in heaven. Thus the Christianity establishes for the people a center from which meanings of life can be derived. The center, as a kind of authoriy, prescribes and regulates all things for its chosen few considering all others as unsaved, unclean, and damned forever to hell. Strictly speaking, such dualistic ideas simplify reality to a childish level, a reality that is in fact quite manifold. Its hold on the human mind is quite absorbing, for it offers high drama, the feeling of free will and specialness, and the chance for an everlasting life of bliss. Unfortunately it also blinds people quite rigidly to a religion and religious leaders who can often pursue very selfish purpose indeed. Most people have been converted to the doctrines of Christianity for fear of being excluded and separated from this fanciful and illustrious future life.