
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:呂樂  頁數(shù):210  


《跨文化視角英語閱讀教程》l-4冊是根據(jù)《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)英語教學(xué)大綱》(以下簡稱《大綱》精心設(shè)計編寫的?!洞缶V》提出了注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的跨文化交際能力和對文化差異的敏感性、寬容性以及處理文化差異的靈活性。同時《大綱》又對21世紀外語專業(yè)人才的培養(yǎng)規(guī)格作了概述,對21世紀外語人才的能力作了如下定義:外語專業(yè)學(xué)生在工作中的運用能力主要指能夠從事不同文化間交流與合作的能力、交際能力、協(xié)作能力、適應(yīng)工作的能力、獨立提出建議和討論的能力、組織能力、知人處事的能力、靈活應(yīng)變的能力等。我們認為這不僅指語言的交際能力,而且是跨文化交際能力在工作環(huán)境中的具體體現(xiàn)。本套教程就是為了達到這一教學(xué)目的而編寫的:它不僅具有英語專業(yè)閱讀教程的特征,注重語言運用能力的訓(xùn)練,而且更注重在語言學(xué)習(xí)與教學(xué)中提高學(xué)生的跨文化交際能力。    本教程根據(jù)《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)英語教學(xué)大綱》精心設(shè)計編寫,目的在于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對文化差異的敏感性、寬容性以及處理文化差異的靈活性,以提高跨文化交際能力。     本教程可供本科英語專業(yè)、商務(wù)英語專業(yè)作為閱讀課、跨文化交際課教材,也可用作大學(xué)英語選修課教材、還可供高職高專商務(wù)英語專業(yè)選用。


Unit 1 Intercultural Competence: A New Critical Skill  Before You Read  Reading Passage    Intercultural Competence: A New Critical Skill  After You Read  Supplementary Reading    Assessing Intercultural Competence: YOGA FormUnit 2 The Need for Intercultural Business Communication Competence  Before You Read  Reading Passage    The Need for Intercultural Business Communication Competence  After You Read  Supplementary Reading     Companies Need to Create a Culture  Supplementary Reading     The Intercultural ManagerUnit 3 Global Vision in the Workplace   Before You Read  Reading Passage     Worldwide Vision in the Workplace  After You Read  Supplementary Reading    Intercultural Mentality in the Multicultural WorldUnit 4 Cross Cultural Training  Before You "Read  Reading Passage    Cross-Cultural Training  Attar You Read  Supplementary Reading    What Cross-Cultural Training Can Do for Your ManagementUnit 5 American Business Management Expert Famous in lapan  Before You Read  Reading Passage    American Business Management Expert Famous in Japan  After You Read  Supplementary Reading    Japanese Management: Business Strategy Lessons for the WestUnit 6 Misunderstanding and Organizational Conununication  Before You Read  Reading Passage    Misunderstanding and Organizational Communication  Attar You Read  Supplementary Reading    Organizational Communication- Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal CommunicationsUnit 7 Women as Expatriates: A Forgotten Resource  Before You Read  Reading Passage    Women as Expatriates: A Forgotten Resource  After You Read  Supplementary Reading    Scarcity of Women ExpatriatesUnit 8 Networking and Business Communication  Before You Read  Reading Passage    Networking and Business Communication  After You Read  Supplementary Reading    Business CommunicationsUnit 9 Depression in the WorkplaceUnit 10 Job SatisfactionUnit 11 Winning Leaders Are Highly Energized ThemselvesUnit 12 Globalization Benefits the World's CulturesUnit 13 A Healthy Disregard for the ImpossibleUnit 14 The Nobel Peace Prize and Global WarmingUnit 15 The Importance of Creativeity and Innovation



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  •   本教程由經(jīng)驗豐富的教師編寫,作為跨文化交際課程的配套材料,會有很好的效果。

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