
出版時(shí)間:2009-9  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:束定芳  頁(yè)數(shù):98  




Unit OneThe Value of EducationText 1 What True Education Should DoText 2 Is Prestige Worth It?Text 3 How Much That College Degree Is Really WorthUnit Two Food ChoicesText 1 Yesterday TodayText 2 "Slow Food" Movement Aims at Restoring the Joy of EatingText 3 What Else Influences Eating?Unit Three E-mailText 1 We've Got Mail —— AlwaysText 2The Insidious Evil of SpamText 3 E-mail Is Ruining My Life!Unit Four MysteriesText 1The Bermuda Triangle ——A Mystery of the OceanText 2The Nazca LinesText 3 Mysteries of EgyptUnit Five Chinese CalligraphyText 1The Origin of Chinese CharactersText 2 Chinese CalligraphyText 3 Calligraphy Sage Wang XizhiUnit Six AnimalsText 1Top Animal CheatsText 2 A MeetingText 3 Can Animals Think about Themselves?Unit Seven MoneyText 1 Money Changes EverythingText 2 Rich Dad, Poor DadText 3The Role of Money in Our LifeUnit Eight WarText 1The Atom Bomb, Einstein and MeText 2 Women and Children in the Silent WarText 3 War's Impact at Home Falls Hard on Relative FewAnswers



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