
出版時(shí)間:2009-3  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:丁言仁  頁數(shù):313  字?jǐn)?shù):307000  




PREFACE前言PART ONE Early Development Unit 1 Language in Ancient Chinese Philosophy Unit 2 Language in Ancient Greek Philosophy Unit 3  0verview of the DiscussionsPART TWO  Battles over Reference Unit 4  0nset of the Controversy Unit 5 The Dominance of Description Theory Unit 6  Seesaw Struggle with the Foes Unit 7 The Final Demise Unit 8  Rise of a New Power Unit 9  Combating Puzzles and Challenges Unit 10 Getting Trapped in Problems Unit 11  Comparing the Two Armies Unit 12  Renovating the Causal Theory Unit 13  Extending the Causal TheoryPART THREE Meaning as Intension Unit 14 John Locke and the Idea Theory Unit 15 Focus on Propositions Unit 16 Verifying the Proposition Unit 17 Finding Truth ConditionsPART FOUR Meaning as Use Unit 18 Early and Later Wittgenstein Unit 19 0rdinary Language Philosophy and the“Thought    Experiment” Unit 20 Speaker Meaning and Sentence Meaning Unit 21  Austin’S Speech Act Theory Unit 22 The Cooperative Principle Unit 23  Conversational Implicature Unit 24 The Impact of Austin and GricePART FIVE Language as Mental System     Unit 25 Trapped in the Movie Show:Structuralism     Unit 26 Putting the Cart before the Horse:Linguistic Relativism Unit 27 Universal Grammar and the Chomskyan Defense Unit 28 Criticizing the Master Unit 29 The Importance of Idiom Competence Unit 30 Seeking an AlternativePART SIX  Epi logue Unit 31 Being a Good Language LearnerREFERENCESlNDEX




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  •   the first systematic collection of chinese scholar on the philosophy of language in english

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