出版時間:2008-10 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:王磊 頁數(shù):380 字數(shù):605000
正由于上述種種益處,國內外的教育機構紛紛開設了介紹和研究希臘羅馬神話的課程,以幫助學生提高人文素養(yǎng)、增強跨文化交際能力。但鑒于希臘羅馬神話的版本眾多、浩繁復雜, 以及對西方文化影響的深度和廣度,開設該門課程絕非易事。作者出于對希臘羅馬神話的濃厚興趣,不避其煩,自2003年至今已連續(xù)數(shù)年為學生開設多媒體《希臘羅馬神話欣賞》專業(yè)選修課程。課程的高選課率和出勤率,以及學生們所表現(xiàn)出的高漲的學習和探究熱情已成為本人不斷完善該門課程的動力。作為課程載體的內部教材更是幾經(jīng)修改、日臻完善,業(yè)已成為學生愛不釋手的解渴之物。獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,作者有幸獲得了上海外國語大學教材出版基金的資助,從而得以在更大的范圍內與大家分享閱讀和欣賞西方文化重要源頭的無窮樂趣。
Part One The Olympian Gods and Other Deities Introduction to Port One 1. The Olympian Gods 2. Zeus' Consorts and Some of Their Tribulations 3. Artemis and Actaeon 4. The Creation and Recreation of Man 5. Athena 6. Dionysus 7. Midas 8. Persephone 9. Hades and the Underworld 10. Other DeitiesPart Two Stories of Love and Adventure Introduction to Part Two: Stories of Love 11. Atalanta 12. Apollo and Daphne 13. Cupid and Psyche 14. Venus and Adonis 15. Pyramus and Thisbe 16. Echo and Narcissus 17. Pygmalion Introduction to Part Two: Stories of Adventure 18. Perseus and Medusa 19. Jason and the Golden Fleece 20. The Twelve Labors of Heracles 21. Cadmus 22. Oedipus Rex 23. TheseusPart Three The Trojan War and Thereafter Introduction to Part Three 24. The Trojan War 25. Agamemnon 26. The Story of Odysseus 27. The Story of Aeneas (Ⅰ) 28. The Story of Aeneas (Ⅱ)Part Four Selected Readings in Mythological Classics 1. Ovid Metamorphoses 2. Homer The Iliad The Odyssey 3. Virgil The Aeneid 4. Aeschylus Agamemnon 5. Sophocles Oedipus the King 6. Euripides Medea The Trojan WomenAppendices 1. Names and Roles of Greek and Roman Gods 2. The Family of Helen of Troy 3. The House of Troy 4. Maps 5. A Pronouncing Glossary of Mythological Names and Allusions 6. A Selected List of Western Works with Greco-Roman Mythological RelevanceBibliography
Hesiod's Theogony (theos, "god" + gonos, "offspring") provides most of the myths about the Greek gods' birth, offspring, and genealogical descent. Given the poet's bitter experience of poverty and bard work, Hesiod presents a grim picture of intergenerational conflict among the gods.In the beginning, the universe is a cosmos evolving from Chaos. Chaos and Gaea (the earth) generate everything that exists, including seas, mountains, monsters and gods. Then gods of succeeding generations are traced back to Gaea and her mating with her son Uranus (the sky).This incestuous union produces 12 Titans with Cronus as their leader. Advised by his mother, Cronus castrates Uranus, severing the link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos. Cronus copulates with his sister Rhea to bring about Zeus and his siblings, the future older Olympians.