出版時間:2008-9-1 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:庫珀(Cooper, J.) 頁數(shù):129 字數(shù):174000
為了幫助廣大讀者特別是英語專業(yè)學生學習英國文學,上海外語教育出版社從國外引進了這套“劍橋文學名家研習系列”叢書。正如封底文字所說,本系列叢書旨在向學生介紹英美經典作家,而普通讀者如果想進一步了解自己所喜愛的作家作品,也會發(fā)現(xiàn)這套叢書富有吸引力?! ∮膶W是英國人民在漫長的歷史發(fā)展進程中創(chuàng)造的英國文化與文明的精華,是世界文學寶庫中一顆璀璨的明珠。文學是語言的藝術,英國文學是英語語言藝術的結晶。英語表意功能強,文體風格變化多,或高雅,或通俗,或含蓄,或明快,或婉約,或粗獷,其豐富的表現(xiàn)力和獨特的魅力在英國作家作品里得到了最為淋漓盡致的發(fā)揮。要真正掌握英語,必須閱讀和了解優(yōu)秀的英國文學作品,英國文學因此成為高校英語專業(yè)課程設置不可或缺的組成部分。
托·斯·艾略特(1888—1965)是二十世紀英美文學史上最重要的詩人之一,同時也是一個有極大影響的文學批評家,是英美新批評派的開山鼻祖。他對于傳統(tǒng)的新闡釋具有劃時代的意義;他提出的“非個性化”理論和尋找“客觀對應物”的創(chuàng)作手法對現(xiàn)代西方文學批評和詩歌創(chuàng)作產生了巨大的影響。他的詩和一套文論引發(fā)了人們轟轟烈烈的討論與研究,至今余波未息。 本書是“劍橋文學名家研習系列”之一,書中對托·斯·艾略特的生平作了簡要的闡述。
PrefaceAbbreviationsChapter 1 Life Early life, 1888-1914 A bohemian life, 1915-1922 Man of letters, 1923-1945 The sage, 1945-1965Chapter 2 Contexts Early influences France England Religion Philosophy Culture and society Romanticism and classicism A sense of the pastChapter 3 Works Early poems "Portrait of a Lady" "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" "The Hollow Men" "Gerontion" Poems 1920 The Waste Land The Ariel poems and Ash-Wednesday Plays Cultural criticism Four Quartets ReevaluationChapter 4 Critical reception Notes The works of T. S. Eliot Further readingIndex
Religion After the publication of The Waste Land in 1922, Eliots spiritual and religiouslife began to change, gradually at first, but a new commitment to Christianitywas clear. Among his contemporaries there were doubts at first that it wasgenuine. The confused response to Ash-Wednesday in 1930 was typical. Therewere even suggestions, from his friend Lewis for example, that it had about itthe disagreeable scent of skillful social climbing. That it was the Church ofEngland to which he swore spiritual allegiance deepened the suspicions. Afterall, the Established Church in England was at the time so intricately entwinedwith social and political power in the country that it seemed as if Eliot, themodernist poet and bohemian artist, had simply tendered his soul to theEstablishment and to mainstream society rather than to God. But appearancescan be deceiving and they were in this case. Eliots interest in religious beliefand questions of faith were not of recent birth, nor were they motivated bymercenary self-interest. Undoubtedly, he was interested in the fate of his soul,but he was as equally concerned about the fate of a society moving inexorablytoward thoroughgoing secularism and the materialism which accompanies it.His studies in anthropology at Harvard had already introduced him to thesociocultural importance of religion as a primordial binding force in society.A common set of transcendental beliefs made it possible for a people toexperience the plenitude of a vital communal life and the psychological andemotional reassurances that come with authentic belonging.
《托·斯·艾略特》旨在為學生引薦英美文學名家,內容親和,語言生動,對有意提高西方文學素養(yǎng)的讀者很有吸引力?! W生、教師、專題主講者均適用 ·簡明扼要、信息豐富 ·配有進一步研究的書目