
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:霍利·米克爾森  頁數(shù):106  


隨著法庭口譯員數(shù)量的增加和全世界司法機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)司法進(jìn)程中語言權(quán)利重視程度的提高,法庭口譯日漸專業(yè)化。《法庭口譯導(dǎo)論》是第一本不針對(duì)特定國家的司法系統(tǒng),因而適用于任何國家、任何語際翻譯的譯員培訓(xùn)教材,論及該行業(yè)的歷史、譯員出庭的法律依據(jù),刑事與民事法律程序、法律比較、口譯員在司法進(jìn)程中的角色、行業(yè)道德準(zhǔn)則、口譯技術(shù)、繼續(xù)教育和研究的資源等?!斗ㄍタ谧g導(dǎo)論》包含大量實(shí)踐練習(xí)、進(jìn)一步閱讀的建議以及設(shè)備的參考書目,對(duì)學(xué)生和老師均適用。  近年來法庭口譯行業(yè)和許多國家的司法體系發(fā)生了很多變化?!斗ㄍタ谧g導(dǎo)論》反映了這一發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,也提出需要用信息暢通的全球化方式來培養(yǎng)一支日益多樣的學(xué)生隊(duì)伍,以投入這一充滿挑戰(zhàn)的領(lǐng)域。


霍利·米克爾森(Holly Mikkelson)是蒙特瑞國際研究學(xué)院筆譯暨口譯研究所的副教授,執(zhí)教口譯多年。她也是一位資深的西班牙語法庭口譯員,參與撰寫了法庭口譯領(lǐng)域公認(rèn)的經(jīng)典著作《法庭口譯基礎(chǔ)》。她編寫的培訓(xùn)手冊(cè)《口譯員的優(yōu)勢(shì)》系列被全世界法庭口譯培訓(xùn)教程采用,廣受歡


1. Introduction Scope and Objective Role of the Court Interpreter History of Court Interpreting Suggestions for Further Reading2. The Law The Right to an Interpreter  Europe  The Americas  Asia  Australia  Afri ca  Defining Competence  U.S. Federal Court Interpreters Exam  Other Exams The Role of the Professional Association Suggestions for Further Study3. Legal Traditions of the World Attitudes Towards the Law and Lawyers Civil Law Common Law Other Legal Traditions  Africa  Hinduism  Islam  Judaism  Socialist Law  Confucianism  International Law and Supranational Courts Conclusion Suggestions for Further Reading Suggestions for Further Study4.Criminal and Civil Procedure Criminal Procedure Investigative Phase  Pre-Trial Phase  The Trial  Under Civil Law  Under Common Law  The Sentence  Appeals  Alternative Programmes Civil Procedure The Interpreters Role Suggestions for Further Reading Suggestions for Further Study5. The Code of Ethics Canons of the Code of Ethics  1. Fidelity  2. Confidentiality  3. Impartiality  4. Professional Conduct Practical Guidelines Conclusion Role-Playing Scenarios Suggestions for Further Reading Suggestions for Further Study6.Interpreting Techniques Definition of Interpreting Consecutive Interpreting Simultaneous Interpreting Sight Translation Ancillary Tasks Remote Interpreting Practical Exercises  Active Listening and Retention  Communication Skills  Split Attention  Restructuring  Anticipation  Interpreting Suggestions for Further Reading Suggested Class Activities7.Specialized Topics, Resources and References Criminal Cases Civil Cases Resources for Research and Preparation  The Interpreters Basic Library  Human Resources  Electronic Resources  Continuing Education  Suggested ActivitiesAppendix A: Instructions to Parties in Interpreted ProceedingsAppendix B: Best Practice in Court Interpreting and Code of Conduct for Court InterpretersBibliography


Sight TranslationSight translation is the oral translation of a written document. It is necessary when standard legal forms must be signed by litigants who do not speak the language of the court, or when documents written in a foreign language are submitted as evidence. Because the interpreter has little time to study the document and prepare to render it orally in the target language, sight translation is not appropriate for lengthy, technical reports or briefs. Particularly in countries where much of the evidence submitted to court is in written form, documents should be translated by professionals who are given adequate time for research and production of a polished translation. In the case of a standard form that an interpreter can become familiar with in advance, or a short document like a birth certificate that is used to prove a defendant's age, sight translation is an appropriate expedient.Gonzalez lez et al (1991:401) describe the process in this way: Sight translation is analogous to sight reading in music: the interpreter is given a [source language] document never seen before, and, with mini-mal preparation, the interpreter provides a complete oral translation of the document into the [target language]. Like accomplished musicians who play an apparently effortless version of a piece they have never laid eyes on, interpreters are actually drawing upon years of training and ex-perience to perform this feat. The end product should be both faithful to the original text and pleasing to the ear (that is, in free-flowing, natural-sounding language).






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