
出版時(shí)間:2008-8  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:(加) 伍德 克羅格 著  頁(yè)數(shù):239  




  Linda A. Wood (Ph.D., York University, Canada) is Professor of Psychologyat the University of Guelph. Her research concerns issues of language and so-cial interaction, and discourse and social structure. She has published articlesand chapters on loneliness, identity, forms of address, politeness, lacework,aging, abuse, and sexual assault. Her current work is focused on discourses ofchild sexual abuse in legal, scholarly and media accounts, and on the repro-duction of gender in discursive practices of address and naming as repre-sented, for example, in expressions such as guys and in surnames. She is amember of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology(IALSP), the International Communication Association, and the Interna-tional Pragmatics   Association.Roll O. Kroger (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is ProfessorEmeritus of Psychology at the University of Toronto. The general focus ofhis research has been on the social conditions of self-report as found, forexample, in personality testing, hypnosis experiments, and everyday self-disclosure, as well as on discursive issues (politeness, facework). His currentwork is concerned with the discursive respecification of personality andthe social psychology of address forms. He is a member of IALSP and ofCHEIRON. The two authors have collaborated since the early 1980s on stud-ies of discourse and on the critical examination of the metatheory and meth-odology of social psychology.


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPART Ⅰ: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND1. Language, Discourse, and Discourse Analysis2. Varieties of Discourse Analysis3. Examples of Discourse AnalysisPART Ⅱ: METHOD4. Discourse and Data5. Data Collection6. Preparation for AnalysisPART Ⅲ: ANALYSIS7. Analysis I: Strategies of Interpretation8. Analysis II: Patterns and Context9. Identities in Talk: Research ExamplesPART Ⅳ: EVALUATION AND REPORTING10. Warranting in Discourse Analysis11. Writing the Report12. PostscriptAppendix A: Transcript NotationAppendix B: Selected Varieties of Discourse AnalysisGlossary: Terms for Discourse AnalysisReferencesIndexAbout the Authors


  Examples of Discourse Analysis  The spirit of discourse-analytic research is inductive; that is, it involvesmoving from the concrete to the abstract, from the particular to the general.In keeping with that spirit, we present in this chapter some examples of dis-course-analytic research from which we hope readers will develop a senseof the activities involved before going on to the more abstract discussion ofmethods and analysis provided in Chapters 4 to 8. The best way to developthat sense is to carry out ones own analysis. The analysis of discourse datais partly a craft, in that it requires skills that cannot be wholly specified incookbook fashion (take cup of preference structure and fold into 2 cups ofinterpretive repertoires; mix well). But the analyst still requires an acquain-tance with examples of discourse-analytic research in addition to a grasp ofthe general principles of discursive psychology and of the various method-ological strategies and resources. Such familiarity is not a substitute for ex-perience; it is a prerequisite. Research examples not only provide modelsfor analysis; they also yield information about concepts, devices, practices,and strategies that can be used in analysis.





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