
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:Deborah Cao  頁數(shù):189  






ForewordThe Hon. Justice Michael Kirby AC CMGPrefaceAcknowledgements1  Introduction2  Law, Language and Translation  Legal Translation Typology  The Nature of Legal Language  Characterising Legal Language  Sources of Difficulty in Legal Translation  Legal Translational Equivalence: Possibility and Impossibility3  The Legal Translator  Translation Competence and Translation Proficiency  A Model of Translation Competence  Exploring Translation Competence4  Legal Terminological Issues in Translation  Major Terminological Issues  Translating Legal Concepts  Legal System-bound Usage  Ordinary Meaning vs. Legal Meaning  Legal Synonyms  Linguistic and Legal Uncertainty5  Translating Private Legal Documents  Purpose and Status of Translated Private Legal Documents  Linguistic Features of Private Legal Documents  Differences between the Common Law and Civil Law6 Translating Domestic Legislation  Two Types of Translated Domestic Legislation  Textual Features of Statutes  Pragmatic Feature: Illocutionary Force  Other Common Linguistic Features of Legislative Texts  Bilingual Statutory Interpretation and Linguistic Uncertainty7  Translating International Legal Instruments  International Instruments and their Legal Status  Designation of International Instruments  Subject Matters Covered by International Instruments  Textual Features of International Instruments  Verifying Foreign Language Texts in Bilateral Treaty Negotiation  Arrangements of Less than Treaty Status  Multilingual Instrument Drafting and Translation  How the Court Approaches Divergence in Multilingual Law  The Use of Translation Technology for Translating Multilingual TextsList of CasesBibliographyIndex


  Translational knowledge structures are assumed to be available in both the SL and TL regardless of in which language the knowledge is acquired. There has not been evidence to conclude in which language knowledge is stored. There is evidence to show, however, that models of the world seem not necessarily to be entirely discrete since knowledge acquired through one language often seems to be available in the other (Ingram and Elias 1974: 70). This study hypothesises that knowledge is stored in the language in which the knowledge is acquired, but it can be retrieved and transferred into the other language through the synthesising process, which is the third area of competence, translational strategic competence. It then can be stored in both languages or one or the other. Further studies are needed for such conjecture or conclusion. The study of the interrelationship between language and thought patterns and the development of bilingualism may provide some insight, but it is clearly beyond the scope of this study.  Under general translational knowledge structures in this model, knowledge of sociocultural background is also assumed, i.e. knowledge of both the SL culture and the TL culture (cf. Snell-Hornby 1988: 34). Translators translate texts, and texts are an integral part of the world around us, invariably embedded in an extralinguistic situation and dependent on their specific social and cultural background (cf. Snell-Hornby 1988). This is in contrast to Neuberts separate sub-competence of cultural competence (1994, 2000).  Translational knowledge structures can be acquired. They are accu- mulative through education and/or experience. Individuals acquire both general structures of the knowledge space of their society and the linguistic expression forms for accessing it (cf. Sager 1993: 42-43) through education. Translators also often acquire knowledge through translating. Translational knowledge structures are flexible, recurring, developmental and networking.






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