
出版時間:2008-10  出版社:上海外教  作者:黃建濱  頁數:216  


外教社全面貫徹教育部關于《大學英語課程教學要求》的精神,策劃推出適合各高校師生選用的大學英語提高階段實用型選修課系列教材,包括語言技能類、應用類、語言文化類和專業(yè)英語類等課程。    本書主要取材于國內外報刊雜志中有關中國社會和文化的介紹性文章,以具有中國特色的文化現象為主線,通過閱讀和課堂討論,消除學生在向外國友人介紹中國文化時經常出現的語言障礙。本教材可以:    增進學生對中國社會和文化的一些基本特征和基本概念的理解;    幫助學生提高英語表達能力。通過閱讀與討論,學會如何用英語表達中國的社會和文化現象;    幫助學生增進對自身文化的理解,進一步提高跨文化交際的能力。


Unit 1  Chinese Food  Text  The Joy of Jiaozi  Supplementary Reading  A Foreigner Encounters Chinese Food CultureUnit 2 Attitudes Towards Time  Text  The Mystery of Time  Supplementary Reading  Then and NowUnit 3  Emotional Health  Text  Tui Na and Your Emotional Health  Supplementary Reading  Stressed? Traditional Chinese Medicine May Help You!Unit 4 Chinese Concept of "Face"  Text  Chinese Concept of "Face"   Supplementary Reading  Keep Your Face in PlaceUnit 5  Chinese Festivals  Text  The Spring Festival  Supplementary Reading  The Mid-Autumn FestivalUnit 6 Traveling in China  Text  Heavenly Hangzhou  Supplementary Reading  Mount HuangshanUnit 7  The Five Elements of the Chinese Universe  Text  The Five Elements  Supplementary Reading  Zhen WuUnit 8  Music  Text  Bone Flutes Rewrite China's Music History  Supplementary Reading  Enjoy the Music, Learn About China Unit 9 The Chinese Language  Text  Language Shapes Your Thinking  Supplementary Reading  The Chinese LanguageUnit 10 Man and Aninmls  Text  What the Chinese Zodiac Holds for You  Supplementary Reading  The Story of the Monkey Unit 11  Leisure Activities  Text  Martial Arts and Chinese Culture  Supplementary Reading  Traditional Chinese OperasUnit 12 Happy Moments  Text  Chin's Thirty-three Happy Moments  Supplementary Reading  Chin's Thirty-three Happy Moments (Continued)Appendix  Key to the Exercises






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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   英語課要用的。
  •   講的很詳細,難易適中
  •   完全是應付老師用的,個人感覺沒什么用
  •   不錯,很經典,很實用。
  •   不錯的書,質量也好,相比買老師推薦的同本書,這本書更好。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
