
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:費倫  頁數(shù):213  


《口譯員的資源》全面概述了口譯的情況,為譯員或未來的譯員提供了寶貴的指導。作為一本實用指南,本書首先簡要介紹口譯的歷史,闡述了口譯的主要術(shù)語及其使用背景。社區(qū)口譯章節(jié)詳細論述了世界各地社區(qū)口譯、法庭口譯和醫(yī)療口譯的有關(guān)情況。與其他行業(yè)一樣,職業(yè)道德對口譯而言也非常重要,本書收錄了五種不同職業(yè)譯員機構(gòu)的職業(yè)道德準則。    很多譯員以自由譯員或職業(yè)會議譯員的身份工作,本書提供了大量雇用譯員的國際組織的背景信息。例如,在淪及歐盟和聯(lián)合囤時,本書詳細介紹了其語言政策、譯員招募程序、譯員雇用人數(shù)及其下屬的各實體機構(gòu)。如果你對歐洲理事會、歐盟委員會、歐共體部長級會議或歐洲議會不甚了解,你將在本書中找到答案。    所有信息部附有郵寄地址或網(wǎng)址。本書還列舉了各職業(yè)譯員協(xié)會,通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng),千里之外的譯員也能夠從中查找到有用的新信息。


瑪麗·費倫(Mary Phelan),在愛爾蘭都柏林城市大學應用語言與跨文化研究學院任教。她開設了應用語言學位的西班牙語-英語交替?zhèn)髯g和同聲傳譯課程。


AcknowledgementsPreface1. A Brief History of Interpreting2. The Different Types of Interpreting  Conference Interpreting  Simultaneous Interpreting  Consecutive Interpreting  Whispered Interpreting  Bilateral or Liaison Interpreting  Sight Translation  Telephone Interpreting  Sign Language Interpreting  Television Interpreting  Videoconference Interpreting  Wiretapping and Tape Transcription3. Hints for Speakers at Conferences4. Community, Court and MediCal Interpreting  Community Interpreting    Australia    Canada    France    Italy    The Netherlands    Sweden    United Kingdom    United States  Court Interpreting    United States    Australia  Medical Interpreting    United States    Canada    Australia5. Ethics  AIIC Code of Professional Ethics  The TAALS Standards of Professional Practice for Conference Interpreters  NRPSI Code of Conduct for Public Service Interpreters  Vancouver Health Care Interpreter Standards of Practice  Code of Ethics of Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf6. The European Union  Interpreting in the European Union    The Joint Interpreting and Conference Service (JICS/SCIC)    The Interpretation Directorate at the European Parliament    The Interpretation Division at the Court of Justice of the European Communities  The European Union - Past and Present  The Institutions of the European Union    The European Commission    Council of the European Union    The European Parliament    Court of Justice of the European Communities    European Court of Auditors    European Investment Bank    European Central Bank    Committee of the Regions    Economic and Social Committee  Agencies and Bodies of the European Union    Community Plant Variety Office    European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA)    European Agency for Health and Safety at Work    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training    European Environment Agency    European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions    European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)    European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)    European Training Foundation    Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market    Translation Centre for Bodies in the EU7. War and Peace  Introduction  Council of Europe  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  North Atlantic Treaty Organization    Civilian Structure    Military Structure  Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe  Western European Union8. The United Nations  General Assembly  Security Council  Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)  Secretariat  UN Programmes    Economic Commission for Africa    Economic Commission for Europe    Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean    Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific    Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia    United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)    United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development    United Nations Development Programme    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)    United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR)    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)    United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention(ODCCP)    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)    World Food Programme  Courts and Tribunals    International Court of Justice    International Criminal Court    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda    International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea  Specialised UN Agencies    Food and Agriculture Organization    International Civil Aviation Organization    International Fund for Agricultural Development    International Labour Organization    International Maritime Organization    International Monetary Fund    International Telecommunications Union    United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization    United Nations Industrial Development Organization    Universal Postal Union    World Bank    World Health Organization    World Intellectual Property Organization    World Meteorological Organization  Autonomous Organizations    International Atomic Energy Agency    World Tourism Organization  Other    UNAIDS9. Other International Organizations  ACP  African Development Bank  Asian Development Bank  CERN  Eurocontrol  European Free Trade Association  European Patent Office  European Space Agency  Intelsat  Inter American Development Bank  International Amateur Athletics Federation  International Electrotechnical Commission  The Red Cross Movement  International Olympic Committee  International Organization for Migration  International Organization for Standardisation (ISO)  Interpol  Organization of African Unity  Organization of American States  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development  Pan American Health Organization  Secretariat of the Pacific Community  World Customs Organization  World Trade Organization10. Interpreters' Associations  AIIC  American Translators Association (ATA)  Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc. (AUSIT)  Babelea  California Healthcare Interpreters Association  Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People (CACDP)  FIT International Federation of Translators  Institute of Linguists  Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)  Irish Translators' Association (ITA)  National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT)  Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Inc.  Society of Federal Linguists, Inc.  The American Association of Language Specialists (TAALS)BibliographyInternet SitesAppendix  European Master's in Conference Interpreting  Other Universities Which Have Links with JICS/SCIC at the European Commission  University Courses Recognised by AIIC  FIT Member Associations  Trilingual Glossary of International Organizations in English, French and Spanish  List of Members of United Nations  United Nations English Acronyms  United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Operation in 2000  English Acronyms of International OrganizationsIndex


  隨著全球化進程日益顯著,且愈來愈超越經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域,口譯在此過程中所起的作用與擔當?shù)慕巧嗳遮呏匾?谧g在全球化的過程中成為不可或缺的橋梁或中介。愛爾蘭都柏林城市大學應用語言與跨文化研究學院教師瑪麗·費倫(Mary Phelan)的這本《口譯員的資源》,無疑是幫助譯員走向成功的利器之一。本書在縱的方面,讓讀者對口譯有一個歷史的了解;在橫的方面,使讀者對國外口譯有一個總體的印象。而其最大的指導意義,在筆者看來,乃是在于其為讀者——譯員或未來的譯員——提供了一張相當詳細的“地圖”,讀者不但對此地圖會有一個整體的了解,而且可以“按圖索驥”,與網(wǎng)絡相結(jié)合,查找更詳細、更新、因而更準確的信息。




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