
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:虞蘇美,李慧琴 主編,關(guān)肇遠(yuǎn) 等編  頁數(shù):168  字?jǐn)?shù):242000  


本書為聽說教程第六冊的教師用書。全書共十個單元,設(shè)十個話題。十個單元后提供兩套綜合試題。每單元設(shè)A、B、C、D、E五個部分:    Part A Listening Activities 聽力訓(xùn)練:這部分提供兩個練習(xí),旨在幫助學(xué)生1)獲取重要的交際能力,2)掌握多種聽力技能。    Part B  Speaking Activities 口語訓(xùn)練:這部分的口語活動主要圍繞課文內(nèi)容及各種交際功能展開。練習(xí)形式由淺入深,有利于啟發(fā)學(xué)生開口。每逢雙課提供與課文話題有關(guān)的交際功能及常用語言表達(dá)方式,通過練習(xí)使學(xué)生學(xué)到如何得體地進(jìn)行日常對話。    Part C Listen and Relax 聽力欣賞:這部分的內(nèi)容有歌曲、詩歌、幽默、笑話、謎語、繞口令、諺語、名人名言等,旨在讓學(xué)生在三至五分鐘輕松的語言環(huán)境中培養(yǎng)語感,提高學(xué)習(xí)興趣。    Part D Further Listening 聽力提高訓(xùn)練:形式為與課文同一話題的兩篇聽力材料和練習(xí)。練習(xí)題的形式多種多樣,旨在提高學(xué)生的理解能力和應(yīng)變能力。    Part E Home Listening 課外聽力訓(xùn)練:提供兩篇與課文同一話題的聽力材料及練習(xí),供學(xué)生課外自學(xué)。


UNIT 1  PART A Listening Activities    A Conversation  A Good Observer  PART B  Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C  Listen and Relax    A Poem  PART D  Further Listening    A Story   A Real Life Story     A Conversation  Solving a Crime   PART E  Home Listening    Conversation 1  Dealing with a Crime    Conversation 2  Reporting an IncidentUNIT 2   PART A Listening Activities    A Monologue    A Tour of Washington, D.C  PART B Speaking Activities    1. Pair Work    2. Communicative Function: Describing Places  PART C  Listen and Relax    A Song  PART D  Further Listening    Passage 1  The Library of Congress    Passage 2  The Statue of Liberty  PART E  Home Listening    Passage 1  Midnight Ride    Passage 2  Moscow -- the Most Expensive City in the WorldUNIT 3  PART A Listening Activities    A Conversation  Job Application  PART B  Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C  Listen and Relax    Jokes  PART D  Further Listening    A Passage      A Career Counseling Office    A Conversation  I Sure Hope That I Can Work Here  PART E Home Listening    Conversation 1  A Job Interview    Conversation 2  A SurveyUNIT 4  PART A Listening Activities    A Forum  Mercy Killing  PART B  Speaking Activities    1. Pair Work    2. Communicative Function: Talking About Health and Health-related Issues  PART C  Listen and Relax    Epigrams  PART D Further Listening    A Passage      Organ Transplants    A Conversation  Bird Flu Outbreak in Hong Kong  PART E Home Listening    Passage 1  Health Issues in Our Century    Passage 2  Valuable Tips in Hair CareUNIT 5  PART A Listening Activities    A Passage      Tipping  PART B  Speaking Activities    Pair Work  PART C Listen and Relax  ……UNIT 6UNIT 7UNIT 8UNIT 9UNIT 10TEST 1TEST 2



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