
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:周岐靈 等注  頁數(shù):105  


閱讀既是理解和吸收語言文化信息的重要手段之一,又是語言文化信息的最便捷的輸入源。我國教育部新制定的全日制義務教育和普通高級中學《英語課程標準》對學生的閱讀技能從三級到九級提出了明確的要求。在目前國內外的各種英語測試中,閱讀理解所占的比重越來越大。為此,我們特向你推薦“中學英語拓展閱讀叢書”(Timed Readings Plus)。本叢書含有以下3個子系列:社會科學(Social studies)、自然科學(Science)及數(shù)學(Mathematics),由上海外語教育出版社從美國McGraw Hill Glencoe公司引進出版。社會科學和自然科學各有10個分冊,社會科學每冊有24課,自然科學每冊有25課,每課兩篇閱讀材料;數(shù)學有5個分冊,每冊有15課,每課兩篇閱讀材料。本叢書語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,能有效訓練學生的閱讀理解能力,提高他們的閱讀速度。每課的第一篇閱讀材料篇幅長400單詞左右,側重訓練學生的快速閱讀能力;閱讀理解題則主要檢查學生是否能在快速閱讀后掌握閱讀材料中的事實和材料所傳達的思想。每課中的第二篇閱讀材料較短,著重訓練學生的閱讀技巧,如:從上下文中猜測生詞的含義,找出作者的觀點,得出中心思想,排列事件順序,推斷作者的論點等。因此,我們認為它是一套訓練學生閱讀速度及閱讀理解能力并能同時開拓他們視野的拓展型叢書,適合外國語學校初二及以上年級學生和非外國語學校高中學生課內、外使用。怎樣使用本系列叢書呢?我們有以下的一些閱讀策略供大家參考。1.閱讀時,要集中注意力。2.用一分鐘閱讀標題,并思考以下問題:我是否了解這一話題?我從這個話題中能學到什么?這個話題引起了我怎樣的思考?3.重點閱讀文章第一句和最后一句,因為第一句和最后一句往往是作者提出自己觀點和總結全文觀點的關鍵句子。4.快速閱讀全文以獲得材料所傳達給你的信息。如遇到含有姓名、日期或數(shù)字等的內容,你應該放慢速度,以便記住這些內容。怎樣才是一個快速閱讀者?


你聽說過環(huán)境建筑學嗎?你知道轉基因技術基于怎樣的原理嗎?我們每天點擊的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是在哪種巧合下誕生的?歐洲中世紀城堡中一天的生活是怎樣的?中國古代的造紙術分哪幾個步驟?你一定想知道這些問題的答案吧。翻開這套“中學英語拓展閱讀叢書”,你就走進了一個五彩斑斕的奇妙世界。    該叢書由外教社從美國著名出版機構麥格勞一希爾(McGraw Hill)公司引進,語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,是一套既注重培養(yǎng)學生英語閱讀能力,又致力開闊他們視野的拓展型叢書。整套書編寫理念先進,編排設計科學,難度逐級遞升,既適合外國語學校及外語特色學校初二至高三年級的學生使用,也適合普通中學同等水平的學生使用。本書為該叢書之一《自然科學系列(第7冊)》。    我們期盼你在趣味盎然的閱讀環(huán)境中培養(yǎng)閱讀能力,遨游知識天地,學習地道英語。


致學生致老師1 A  Arctic and Alpine Tundra1 B  A Wilderness Encounter2 A  What Is Quicksand?2 B  Surviving Quicksand3 A  How We Hear3 B  Getting a Hearing Aid4 A  The Classification of Living Things4 B  Plants That Eat Insects5 A  How Sunlight Affects Health5 B  Cave Life6 A  Every Drop Counts6 B  Effects of the World' s Water Situation7 A  The Endless Struggle Between Predators and Their Prey7 B  Attack - and Counterattack!8 A  Simple and Complex Carbohydrates8 B  Sensible Dieting9 A  Heat Energy at Home9 B  A Hot Air Balloon10 A  The Life Cycle of a Frog10 B  It's a Frog! No, It's a Toad!11 A  Symbiosis11 B  An Alga, a Fungus, and Two Brothers12 A  Estuaries and Their Habitats12 B  A Protected Beach13 A  Snow Travel in the Arctic13 B  Learning to Snowshoe14 A  What Is the World Wide Web?14 B  The Inventor of the World Wide Web15 A  A Hall of Gems and Minerals15 B  Mining for Diamonds16 A  Microbes and Germs16 B  Growing Bread Mold17 A  The Many Faces of Primatologists17 B  Among the Gorillas18 A  The Physics of the Plastic Flying Disc18 B  Training a Dog to Catch a Flying Disc19 A  World Population Growth and Its Effects19 B  Megacities20 A  The Relationship of Mathematics to Astronomy and Physics20 B  The Scientific Method21 A  Weather Forecasting Tools21 B  Making a Hygrometer22 A  The Machine Age in the United States22 B  Machines in the Home23 A  The History of Space Exploration23 B  Tracking Space Missions24 A  The Invention of Television24 B  The Future of Television25 A  Learning About the Ocean25 B  The Future of the Ocean附錄  Answer Key  Reading Rate  Comprehension Score  Comprehension Skills Profile


The teenagers hiked single file along the narrow North Country trail, one counselor leading the way and another bringing up the rear. They were spaced about three minutes apart so that each person could experience the feeling of being alone in the wilderness.Roberta welcomed the cool shade of the spruce trees and balsam firs of the vast boreal forest and the soft carpet of needles on the moist trail. She kept her eyes open, hoping to see signs of life. She especially hoped to see a moose, but she really didn‘t want to encounter a bear, even though she knew k would probably be more afraid of her than she would be of it. At first all she saw were mushrooms —— evidence of the pelting rain that had fallen earfier in the week.Roberta passed through a moist sunken area. She felt the squishy sphagnum moss (泥炭蘚) beneath her feet, its fight green color a pleasant contrast to the darker green of the conifers. Suddenly she noticed a spot of bright color beside a fallen, moss-covered tree, and she stooped to look more closely. The orange creature slithered (滑行) away, and Roberta continued on, smiling, the image of the tiny salamander before her eyes. Roberta rounded a corner and came upon a sparkling stream —and something large moving among the trees. “Hi, Roberta,” her friends called to her softly, still too entranced by the magic of their time alone in the wilderness to feel like shouting.



    自然科學系列(第七冊) PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   本書語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,能有效訓練學生的閱讀理解能力,提高他們的閱讀速度
  •   這樣的書太少了,我們常常看到那么多的社會、人文的書,但是啟迪青少年自然科學智慧的書或者少,或者沒有恰當?shù)淖x者群,我記得在我初中上學時(1978—1981),一份《少年科技畫報》吸引了我和我們班多少熱情啊。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
