
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:周岐靈 上海外語教育出版社 (2008-05出版)  作者:周岐靈  頁數(shù):105  




你聽說過環(huán)境建筑學(xué)嗎?你知道轉(zhuǎn)基因技術(shù)基于怎樣的原理嗎?我們每天點(diǎn)擊的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是在哪種巧合下誕生的?歐洲中世紀(jì)城堡中一天的生活是怎樣的?中國古代的造紙術(shù)分哪幾個步驟?你一定想知道這些問題的答案吧。翻開這套“中學(xué)英語拓展閱讀叢書”,你就走進(jìn)了一個五彩斑斕的奇妙世界。    該叢書由外教社從美國著名出版機(jī)構(gòu)麥格勞一希爾(McGraw Hill)公司引進(jìn),語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,是一套既注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生英語閱讀能力,又致力開闊他們視野的拓展型叢書。整套書編寫理念先進(jìn),編排設(shè)計科學(xué),難度逐級遞升,既適合外國語學(xué)校及外語特色學(xué)校初二至高三年級的學(xué)生使用,也適合普通中學(xué)同等水平的學(xué)生使用。本書為該叢書之一《自然科學(xué)系列(第4冊)》。    我們期盼你在趣味盎然的閱讀環(huán)境中培養(yǎng)閱讀能力,遨游知識天地,學(xué)習(xí)地道英語。     本書語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,能有效訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的閱讀理解能力,提高他們的閱讀速度。每課的第一篇閱讀材料篇幅長400單詞左右,側(cè)重訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的快速閱讀能力;閱讀理解題則主要檢查學(xué)生是否能在快速閱讀后掌握閱讀材料中的事實(shí)和材料所傳達(dá)的思想。每課中的第二篇閱讀材料較短,著重訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的閱讀技巧,如:從上下文中猜測生詞的含義,找出作者的觀點(diǎn),得出中心思想,排列事件順序,推斷作者的論點(diǎn)等。因此,它是一本訓(xùn)練學(xué)生閱讀速度及閱讀理解能力并能同時開拓他們視野的拓展型書,適合外國語學(xué)校初二及以上年級學(xué)生和非外國語學(xué)校高中學(xué)生課內(nèi)、外使用。


致學(xué)生致老師1 A  The Oceans1 B  Tide Pools2 A  Computer Games in Education2 B  How to Be a Game Programmer3 A  The Rock Cycle3 B  The Natural Wonders of Bryce Canyon4 A  What Is Hail?4 B  The Sky Is Falling!5 A  Food Chains5 B  Fungus Farmers6 A  The Work of an Archaeologist6 B  The Process of an Archaeological Dig7 A  Electromagnets7 B  Electricity's Journey8 A  Water Properties8 B  Mangrove Trees Survive the Salt9 A  The History of Printing9 B  Hieroglyphs Uncovered10 A The Scientific Process10 B  Exploring the World11 A  How Animals Cope11 B  It's a Skunk's Life12 A  How the Heart Works12 B  Why Work Out?13 A  Types of Volcanoes13 B  Mount Rainier14 A  The Prairie Ecosystem14 B  Prairie Dog Towns15 A  Transportation Innovations15 B  Incredible Inventors16 A  The Mighty Insect16 B  The Dragonfly. Ancient One17 A  Mountains17 B  Trailblazing Volunteers18 A  The Life of a Tree18 B  Tree Rings, Diary of a Life19 A  What Causes Lightning?19 B  Lightning Safety20 A  Space Mysteries20 B  Mars, Anyone?21 A  The History of Vaccinations21 B  What You Should Know About Rabies22 A  Energy from the Sun22 B  A Solar Eclipse23 A  Fire and the Forest Ecosystem23 B  Kirtland's Warbler24 A  The History of Lights24 B  You Can Help Conserve Electricity25 A  What Is the Wind?25 B  Making a Wind Vane附錄  Answer Key  Reading Rate  Comprehension Score  Comprehension Skills Profile


Tide pools are found along ocean coastlines. They occur where the ocean has worn away rock formations and created small holes. Water accumulates in these holes when the tides move in. Water remains in these holes as the tide recedes, creating pools where many types of sea creatures can five.Tide pools are difficult to survive in. The water temperature, the amount of water, and the amount of salt in the water are always changing. Tides come in and out twice a day. Waves force water into the tide pools, putting pressure on the creatures that five there. Some of the creatures commonly found in tide pools, such as barnacles, can attach themselves to rocks and are able to survive when the tide pool has fittle water.A tide pool can have three parts. The sub-tide zone is always underwater; it is home to seaweed and jellyfish. The mid-tide zone is underwater about half the time and is home to sea anemones, starfish, and dams. The high-tide zone is underwater for only brief periods of time. Crabs and periwinkles live in this zone. A large tide pool that is full of water and has a variety of sea creatures is a fascinating aquarium for the people lucky enough to see it.



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