出版時間:2009-3 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:余建中 編 頁數(shù):390 字數(shù):559000
本教程為外教社組織復旦大學、浙江大學、中山大學、廈門大學、蘇州大學等近十所國內(nèi)著名高校的骨干教師集體編寫的專業(yè)英語文科教程,共分兩個分冊,供大學英語提高階段文科師生使用。 第二分冊共有十個單元,各單元包括一篇配合課文主題的聽力材料、三篇閱讀課文和配套練習:內(nèi)容涉及語言學、文學、歷史學、哲學、法學、社會學、藝術(shù)學、新聞學、政治學和宗教學,選文出自各學科較有影響的人物近年發(fā)表于權(quán)威專業(yè)期刊的文章。 本書內(nèi)容豐富,視野開闊,選材精良,對于提高讀者的文化素養(yǎng)和英語水平均有很大助益。 本書為《新世紀文科英語教程》第二分冊的學生用書。
UNIT ONE Language PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Is Our Language in Decay? EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B Language and Electronics: The Coming Global Tongue EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Chinese Whispers EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT Two Literature PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Its Place in Latin American and World Literature EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B A Novelist of Moral Power and Passion EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C A Literary Remembrance EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT THREE History PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A The Worst Winters EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B The Greatest Century That Ever Was EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Archaeology EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT FOUR Philosophy PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Philosophy EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B The Philosopher and His Shadow EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C When a "White Horse" Is Not a "Horse" EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT FIVE Law PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Texas Case Could Shape the Future of Gun Control EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text B Criminal Justice EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text C Judges Who Support the Right to Die EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT SIX Sociology PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Sociology EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B Four Possible Sources/Mechanisms for the Emergence of Social Types EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Four Possible Sources/Mechanisms for the Emergence of Social Types (continued) EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT SEVEN Art PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Impossible Liberties: Contemporary Artists on the Life of Their Work over Time EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B From Mozart to Mahler — A Listening Guide to Classical Music EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Form vs. Function: Texas Researcher Devises Method for Understanding EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT EIGHT Journalism PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A Technology Alters Journalists' Job EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B Tall Tales vs. Truth at the Tabloids EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Too Good to Be True: Fabrications in Boston Globe Columns Lead to Smith's Fall from Grace EXEROSES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT NINE Political Science PRE-READING ACTIVITES Text A So, What Do Political Scientists Do? EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B Political Science EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Mary Ross EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesUNIT TEN Religion PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Text A One Nation — But Under Whose God? EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Writing Text B A Professor's View EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Text C Can Prayer Harm? EXERCISES Responding to the Text Vocabulary Translation ExercisesGLOSSARY