
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:曹倫華 主編  頁數(shù):331  字?jǐn)?shù):250000  




1 I'd Love to
2 I'm Afraid I'm Lost
3 It's Time for Lunch
4 Say "Please"
5 What's That on the Shelf?
6 You Look Beautiful Today
7 Happy Birthday!
8 Would You Like to Come?
9 Can You Go Answer the Door?
10 May I Speak to Wang Bin, Please?
11 Would You Like Tea or Juice?
12 I Couldn't Care Less About It
13 I've Got the Wrong Number
14 Where Can I Get a Ticket?
15 The Book Is Written by Bill Gates
16 I'd Like to Reserve a Table for Three
17 How Would You Like a Dog as a Pet?
18 I'd Like to Know What Time the Train Leaves
19 You Need an Apron
20 You'll Get the Hang of It
21 What a High Fever!
22 You Can't Do Two Things at a Time
23 You Are Hopeless
24 Look at This Photo of Me
25 He's a Little Under the Weather
26 I Feel Awful!
27 I'd Like to Borrow Some Books
28 How Does It Look?
29 I Think That's Out of the Question
30 How About a T-shirt?
31 I Hope You'll Enjoy Your Journey
32 That's Worth Thinking About
33 It's Time for Me to Go Now
34 You Should Go to the Checkout
35 You'd Better Take a Taxi
36 Christmas Is Coming
37 Happy New Year!
38 Basketball Is Their Favourite Sport
39 A Singing Contest Will Be Held Next Week
40 You Are All Smiles
41 We're Here Just to Have Fun
42 You Are Too Noisy!
43 I Have a Good Excuse
44 It's Nearly Two Weeks Since We Last Played Basketball
45 You Did a Good Job!
46 Throw the Bali Farther This Time
47 Trick or Treat!
48 I've Been Trying to Figure Out When We Should Have the New
Year's Party
49 I'm Running Late!
50 What's Your Favourite Film?
51 Let Me Take a Photo of You
52 Don't Mention It
53 Which Would You Prefer, Tea or Cola?
54 This Lunch Is on Me
55 Did You Enjoy Yourself?
56 I Can't Think of It Off Hand!
57 I Can Manage
58 I Want to Reserve a Room
59 My Watch Always Gains 10 Minutes a Day
60 Oh, the Heat Is Unbearable!
61 Please Forgive Me
62 Help Yourself
63 I'm Starving!
64 What's Your Favourite Chinese Dish?
65 Could You Tell Me Where the Washroom Is?
66 How Does Linda Look in This Dress?
67 Would You Like to Try This One On?
68 I Want to Return It
69 I'll Take It
70 I'm Broke
71 It's Up-to-Date
72 Take It or Leave It
73 You Get What You Pay for
74 You Got a Good Deal
75 Are You Free Tomorrow?
76 It Must Be Great Fun!
77 Do You Often Work Out?
78 Don't Press Me!
79 It's a Piece of Cake
80 Easy Come, Easy Go
81 The Same to You!
82 Hold Your Horses!
83 I Bet You Can Make It
84 I Feel the Same Way
85 I'm Crazy About It
86 If You Need Any Help, Please Come to Me
87 What Are You Going to Do This Weekend?
88 I'm Sorry for Being Late
89 It's Games Day Today
90 Would You Like Some Potato Chips?
91 It's a Quarter to 12
92 The Exam Is Just Around the Corner
93 We Got on the Wrong Bus
94 Believe It or Not
95 Where Can I Take a Taxi?
96 The Traffic Light Was Red Then
97 Have You Been Here Before?
98 I'll Face the Music
99 I've Never Seen Her in the Flesh
100 What's It Like?
Key to the Exercises



    新課標(biāo)小學(xué)英語會(huì)話100篇 PDF格式下載

用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)17條)


  •   很適合小學(xué)生學(xué)英語用
  •   為女兒參加一個(gè)英語比賽買的參考用書,比較有價(jià)值。
  •   書很好,我們孩子老師重點(diǎn)推薦的
  •   書本的質(zhì)量一般,紙業(yè)容易散掉,不過內(nèi)容不錯(cuò)。這個(gè)價(jià)格還是劃算的。入門級(jí)每天讀讀背背,挺實(shí)用的生活對(duì)話。
  •   可惜沒配套音頻,只好另尋。
  •   孩子比較能接受,不錯(cuò)
  •   先用了聽力和閱讀,覺得不錯(cuò)才買的口語。每天學(xué)一個(gè)句型,挺好。
  •   價(jià)廉物美 很不錯(cuò)
  •   一般,有些超綱,生詞較多!
  •   難度長(zhǎng)短都挺適合我家小朋友的,很喜歡
  •   老師要求買的,還沒用呢。
  •   好書,就是沒配磁帶,還得出去找磁帶。我是網(wǎng)上看到推薦才買的
  •   聽人介紹后購買的,還可以
  •   還沒有做過呢
  •   每天會(huì)讀讀,還不錯(cuò),
  •   遺憾更多些,第一次在當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)買八折以上的書?。?!書特別好嗎?《小學(xué)英語會(huì)話100篇》定價(jià)比《小學(xué)英語閱讀100篇》高許多,奇怪??!《小學(xué)英語閱讀100篇》的單詞排序既不是按單詞在課文中出現(xiàn)的先后排序,又不是按單詞字母排序,何故??如第一課的usually 和 flute先后出現(xiàn),在單詞表中卻成了第一個(gè)和最后一個(gè)。此書最致命的缺點(diǎn)當(dāng)屬單詞的音標(biāo)。為什么不用國(guó)際音標(biāo)的規(guī)范字符呢?以wash的音標(biāo)為例,音標(biāo)中用了倒寫的 ”a”,通用正確的是反寫的“C“。再看看《小學(xué)英語會(huì)話100篇》的52頁的單詞frightening的音標(biāo)中居然還插入了手寫體,是可發(fā)音也可不發(fā)音的意思?總之,給小學(xué)生的書,要編得精致。更要準(zhǔn)確。再說,如書后有中文譯文就更好。相應(yīng)的磁帶又是在哪里買呢?
  •   購買了此書,但不含磁帶,在這網(wǎng)上也查不到磁帶.要買磁帶說是要自己到別處買.

250萬本中文圖書簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
