
出版時(shí)間:2008-4  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:王敏華,陳希茹 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):195  字?jǐn)?shù):321000  


“大學(xué)英語(yǔ)自主聽(tīng)力進(jìn)階”系列共分四冊(cè):《你問(wèn)我答訪談篇》、《輕松睿智故事篇》、《東西南北新聞篇》和《智慧之橋講座篇》。每?jī)?cè)分別含有二十個(gè)單元,每個(gè)單元由Before You Listen,Listen Now,Look at This和Here’s More四個(gè)部分組成,分別為聽(tīng)前熱身、聽(tīng)力實(shí)踐、方法指導(dǎo)或背景知識(shí)、補(bǔ)充練習(xí)。這四個(gè)部分環(huán)環(huán)相扣,使每個(gè)單元成為一個(gè)有機(jī)的整體。而四本分冊(cè)涉及日常聽(tīng)力活動(dòng)中常見(jiàn)的四種體裁,難度依次遞升,也使整個(gè)系列成為一個(gè)有機(jī)的整體。    希望英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者在使用“大學(xué)英語(yǔ)自主聽(tīng)力進(jìn)階”系列的過(guò)程中,能夠感受到同一體裁聽(tīng)力材料的共性,從而積極主動(dòng)地獲取信息,這將有助于聽(tīng)力理解和聽(tīng)力記憶。我們相信,如果英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者能認(rèn)真聽(tīng)完每一本分冊(cè),一定會(huì)受益匪淺,有效提高英語(yǔ)水平。    本書(shū)為該叢書(shū)之一《輕松睿智故事篇》。


Unit 1  Father and Son  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 2  A Story of Love  Part one  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  LookatThis  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 3  A Fresh Perspective  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 4  In the Battlefield  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  LookatThis  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 5  Human Nature  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 6  Friends Indeed  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 7  The Last Moments  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look atThis  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 8  Experiences  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  LookatThis  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 9  Miracles  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 10  Inspirational Stories.  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 11  The End of the Story  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 12  The Perfect Pearl  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 13  Love Is a Matter of Life and Death  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 14  Traveling Is learning  Part One  Before Yon Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 15  Thinking of You  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 16  Wishes  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Lookat This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 17  Soccer Makes Stories  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 18  Blessed Are Those Who Helped  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 19  Distinguished People  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three  Look at This  Part Four  Here's MoreUnit 20  Blondes' Wits  Part One  Before You Listen  Part Two  Listen Now  Part Three   LookatThis  Part Four  Here's MoreAppendix Ⅰ  Listening ScriptsAppendix Ⅱ  Answer Key


  1. Think and answer  1. Doyouhave ahobby?Areyougood atit?  2. How do your parents receive your enthusiasm about your hobby? Do they support you or scold you for that?  3. What’S the difference between soccer and the American football?  Ⅱ. Make your prediction  Browse through all the information offered in this unit and predict the main idea of Text One and  Text Two by choosing from a,b,C and d. You may choose more than one answer to indicate your prediction  Text 0ne  a. Father’S ambition.  b. Son’S rebellion.  C. Father’S support of son’s pursuit.  d. Son’S deoendence on father’S opinion.



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