
出版時(shí)間:2008-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:朱江  頁數(shù):67  


“全國外國語學(xué)校系列教材”是全國首套為外國語學(xué)校、省市重點(diǎn)學(xué)校、外語特色學(xué)校、國際學(xué)校和雙語學(xué)校度身定制的英語教材:依托外國語學(xué)校長期以來的外語教學(xué)優(yōu)勢,高屋建瓴,由著名大學(xué)教授和全國知名外國語學(xué)校骨干教師編寫,陣容強(qiáng)大;以國家普通高中《英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》為指導(dǎo),遵循外語教學(xué)的規(guī)律,吸收國外的先進(jìn)教學(xué)理念,博采眾長,時(shí)代感強(qiáng);以全面提高學(xué)生的英語素質(zhì)為目標(biāo),突出交際能力,全面培養(yǎng)學(xué)生聽、說、讀、寫等技能和綜合語言運(yùn)用能力;以“互動(dòng)、參與”為原則,體例新穎、語言活潑、圖文并茂、寓教于樂,營造寬松和諧的課堂教學(xué)環(huán)境,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí);分為“必修”、“順序選修”、“任意選修”三個(gè)系列,并配有教師用書、練習(xí)冊、音帶和多媒體教學(xué)輔助光盤?!  犊萍加⒄Z》是為高中生量身定做的一本選修課教材。本教材所選材料新穎,能夠反映諸多學(xué)科最新的發(fā)展動(dòng)向;內(nèi)容陳述圖文并茂,利于學(xué)生理解;在課文與練習(xí)設(shè)計(jì)中,充分考慮提高學(xué)生閱讀能力,并兼顧基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)的傳授。


Unit Ⅰ Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part?、? The  Text: A Big Step Forward  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part Ⅰ.The  Text: Life in Shenzhou Vi  Part?、? Reflection and discussionUnit 2 Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part?、? The  Text: Electronics with Nine Lives  Part Ⅲ. Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The  Text: Scientists Make Phone That Turns into a Sunflower  Part Ⅱ. Reflection and discussionUnit 3 Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part?、? The  Text: A Worldwide Focus: Cloning  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The  Text: The Path to Dolly  Part?、? Reflection and discussionUnit 4 Text Ⅰ  Part Ⅰ.Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: Why Save Endangered Species?  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The Text: Endangered Speciesunit 5 Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: GM Foods -- Helping to Feed the World  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The Text: The Future of GM Foods  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: Small Wonders: Nanotechnology  Part Ⅲ. Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The Text: How Nanotechnology Will Work  Part?、? Reflection and discussionUnit 7 Text Ⅰ  Part Ⅰ.Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: Climate Change  Part?、? Reflection and discussion  Text Ⅱ  Part Ⅰ.The Text: Global Warming—Fact or Fiction  Part?、? Reflection and discussionUnit8 Text Ⅰ  Part?、?Warm-up  Part Ⅱ. The Text: Alternative Energy Sources  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The Text: Heat from the Ground  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅰ  Part Ⅰ.Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: The Universe  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part?、?The Text: The Future of the Universe   Part?、? Reflection and discussionUnit 10 Text Ⅰ  Part Ⅰ.Warm-up  Part?、? The Text: Being Wrongs Sometimes Wins the Prize  Part?、? Reflection and discussion Text Ⅱ  Part Ⅰ.The Text: Nobel Prize: Do You Know   Part?、? Reflection and discussion Vocabulary



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