
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:朱江  頁數:66  字數:113000  


《普通高中英語課程標準》指出:高中階段的外語教育需要滿足國家的經濟建設和科技發(fā)展對人才培養(yǎng)的需求?,F(xiàn)代科技發(fā)展日新月異,新學科、新知識不斷涌現(xiàn),作為21世紀的高中生,必須了解科技的相關信息與常識??紤]到高中學生的語言能力和知識水平,我們選擇語言難度適中的文章,并對部分文章中的難句或長句進行了改寫。本教材所選材料新穎,能夠反映諸多學科最新的發(fā)展動向;內容陳述圖文并茂,利于學生理解;在課文與練習設計中,本教材充分考慮提高學生閱讀能力,并兼顧傳授科技基礎知識。    參加本教材編寫的有朱江、李玲芳、朱月蘭、楊焱。朱江任主編,負責全書的策劃、材料的選用與審定、練習的修改以及全書初稿的審定。教材第1單元的編寫由編寫組4人共同完成。李玲芳負責編寫第2、3、10單元。朱月蘭負責編寫第4、5、6單元。楊焱負責編寫第7、8、9單元。


Unit 1  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: A Big Step Forward    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: Life in Shenzhou VI    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 2  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Electronics with Nine Live    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: Scientists Make Phone That Turns into a Sunflower    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 3  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: A Worldwide Focus: Cloning    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: The Path to Dolly    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 4  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Why Save Endangered Species?    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: Endanered Species    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 5  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Gm Foods-helping to Feed the World    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: The Future of GM Foods    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 6  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Small Wonders: nanotechnology    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test:How Nanotechnology Will Work    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 7  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Climate Change    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Test: Global Warming-Fact or Fiction?    Part Ⅱ Reflection and discussion    Part Ⅲ Supplementary iformationUnit 8  Test Ⅰ    Part Ⅰ Warm-up    Part Ⅱ The text: Alternative Energy Sources    Part Ⅲ Reflection and Discussion  ……Unit 9Unit 10Vocabulary




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