
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:《牛津英語一課一練》編寫組 編  頁數(shù):149  


  《導(dǎo)學(xué)與測試:牛津英語一課一練(8年級第1學(xué)期)(8A)》系配合上海市二期課改修訂版教材《英語(牛律上海版)八年級第一學(xué)期》而編寫。其目的在于幫助學(xué)生更好地學(xué)習和實踐修訂后的教材的內(nèi)容?!秾?dǎo)學(xué)與測試:牛津英語一課一練8年級第一學(xué)期(8A)》特色鮮明、內(nèi)容豐富、形式多樣?!秾?dǎo)學(xué)與測試:牛津英語一課一練8年級第一學(xué)期(8A)》共有7個單元,每個單元由My Word Box、My Little Target和Quiz Time三部分組成。My Word Box和My Little Target是各個單元重點詞匯、句型以及語法要點的提煉總結(jié),而Quiz Time則是對應(yīng)的提高練習?! 〕藛卧毩?,《導(dǎo)學(xué)與測試:牛津英語一課一練8年級第一學(xué)期(8A)》還配有期中(Mid.term Examination)和期末(Final Examination)各兩套試卷,便于教師安排和檢查一個學(xué)期內(nèi)的教學(xué)成果。


Module 1 My lifeUnit 1 PenfriendsUnit 2 Work and playUnit 3 TroublelModule 2 Amazing thingsUnit 4 NumbersUnit 5 EncyclopaediasModule 3 Science fictionUnit 6 Nobody wins ( I )Unit 7 Nobody wins ( Ⅱ )Mid-term Examination (A)Mid-term Examination (B)Final Examination (A)Final Examination (B)Tapescripts and key


  One Sunday morning, Tom and Dick went fishing together. Tom took his dogLulu with him. The dog usually sat quietly beside them. But when he saw a smallanimal or a bird, he would run after it and try to catch it. Dick hated the dogbecause it frightened the fish.  "Why do you bring your dog here?" said Dick to Tom. "Look, he is running upand down. All the fish .are frightened and swim away. We must be quiet if we wantto catch a fish." "You are right," answered Tom. Then he shouted at his dog, "Bequiet, Lulu." But Lulu didnt listen to him.  "Shall we go home, Dick?" said Tom. "Next time, I shall not bring him again."  "Wait," said Dick. "A fish is biting my line. I can feel it."  "Be careful!" said Tom. "Dont step forward , or youll fall into theriver."  But it was too late. Dick was so excited that he forgot the danger. He steppedforward to pull the line and fell into the water. "Help, help! I cant swim." Dickshouted in the water. But Tom could not swims either. Just at that vory moment,Lulu came out! The brave dog jumped into the water and then pulled Dick onto thebank with his teeth biting Dicks shirt. Dick was saved. He was still holding the linein his hand. On its end was a big fish.



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